395 – School’s Out

This week we’re Martin-less on WELSTech, but no worries as Jason Schmidt co-hosts with Sallie and brings his excellent edtech experience to the show. The discussion covers great web sites for Art, Typing, Research and Internet Safety plus Digital Citizenship. Jason shares a 3d printer deal for schools, and we have an awesome school promotional video to spark video promo ideas for others!

The discussion:

WELSTech Goes To SchoolSeries End – Jason Schmidt, WELSTech’s sunny semi-regular edtech guest host, joins Sallie to finish up the education resource sharing series, WELSTech Goes To School. Visit the resource page for loads of great links covering …

WELS now:

  • WELSTech Conference 2015 registration remains open until June 15!
    • Join Jason and Kurt Gosdeck for a full day of Google Apps pre-conference training
    • You can also catch Jason and Dave Tess’ Tablet Shoot-Out
  • Youth Rally 2016 will be held in …

News in tech:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 396 – Martin’s away and Sallie’s getting creative. Who knows what could happen?!? Watch and participate on 06/09/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Featured videos:

This week we’re “happy” to add a new video to the WELSTech Promo Playlist. It’s a fun look inside St. Paul’s Lutheran School in New Ulm, MN

Get involved:

394 – Touring the Backlot!

It’s WELSTech time again, and this week viewers are in for a treat as Martin and Sallie are together in the WELS studio for a professional multi-camera production. The discussion topic is live streaming, Sallie’s got a new gadget grid, and Martin shares great plugins for church webmasters.

The discussion:

LiveFromTheCMM145x125Tune in to Channel 6 – Martin and Sallie are broadcasting from the new WELS studio at the Center for Mission and Ministry in Waukesha, WI. They share a quick studio tour and not one, not two, but three lists related to live streaming!

5 Questions To Ask
  1. Who is your audience?
  2. Why will they watch?
  3. What is the content?
  4. When? – Live and/or archived
  5. Who will “own” it?
5 Things You Must Do
  1. Nail the audio
  2. Get smart about lighting
  3. Have a workable budget
  4. Learn basic production techniques
  5. Promote
5 Ways To Live Stream
  1. Livestream – $1,000 per year on the WELS account
  2. YouTube – Free
  3. Google Hangouts – Free
  4. Streamingchurch.tv – $1,200 per year
  5. FinalWeb – $400 per year
  • Join us in person for WELSTech’s 400th, live at WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Register by June 1
    • Congrats to our $25 Amazon gift card raffle winner, Pastor Nate Wagenknecht – He’ll be at the conference presenting on “Creating Christian Community”

News in tech:

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 395 – While Martin is away, Jason Schmidt guest hosts with Sallie for the last installment of the WELSTech Goes to School series. Watch and participate on 06/02/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Featured videos:

For your listening pleasure, we’re featuring The Vine Brother’s Sing, Sing, Sing video, the newest addition to the WELSTech Music playlist on YouTube (Special shout out to Sallie’s nephew, Garrett Jones, on bass!)

Get involved:

393 – Church Office Productivity

The productive church office is a blessing to ministry efforts and the topic of this week’s WELSTech Podcast. Tune in for office apps, keyboard shortcuts, breaking WELSTech news, tips for ministering to millennials and bonus boosts to your Psychic RAM!!

The interview & discussion:

emileBurgess145x125Psychic RAM – Pastor Emile Burges from Trinity in Caledonia, WI talks with Sallie regarding his upcoming presentations at WELSTech Conference on Evernote and MailChimp. The conversation continues as Martin and Sallie share more favorite church office productivity tools.

WELS now:

  • We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Register by June 1
    • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
    • Logos Pre-Conference Workshop registration
  • Tune in to the live stream of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary graduation and call day events

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Bread for Beggars

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 394 – Live from the CMM … Martin and Sallie are together to tour the new WELS studio. Watch and participate on 05/26/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Featured videos:

This week we’ve added a MailChimp tutorial video to the WELSTech Product Demos playlist on YouTube

Get involved:

392 – Care and Feeding

This week’s WELStech is quite a zoo as Martin shares digital outreach tips, there’s a BORAM on the loose, and the Education on Air archive is available. Tune in for all of this plus a milestone birthday for one of the zoo keepers!

The interview & discussion:

Another day at the zoo10 Tips for Cross-Cultural Digital Outreach – Martin is just back from Boise, ID where he assisted a congregation considering digital outreach strategies, particularly in their Vietnamese mission efforts. He boils down the efforts to 10 useful tips for anyone doing online outreach, locally and globally.

  1. Identify digital content
  2. Pick one priority at a time
  3. Can you do more or do things differently?
  4. Provide digital resources to members (friendship evangelism)
  5. Capture and share stories
  6. Provide digital resources to members for deeper study
  7. Develop a social media strategy
  8. Understand what websites are and aren’t
  9. Develop an engagement strategy
  10. Use a prospect management database

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

It’s Google Chrome plug-in week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Google’s Education on Air is archived. A few recommendations:

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Music playlist on YouTube is Koine’s Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 393 -Pastor Emile Burgess from Trinity, Caldonia, WI, a presenter at WELSTech Conference 2015, joins us as we discuss church office apps. Watch and participate on 05/19/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

The last word:

We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI

  • Register by June 1
  • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • Logos Pre-Conference Workshop registration

Get involved:

391 – Día de MLC

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo WELSTech-style as we share details of the Martin Luther College “social” event of the year. The community feedback mailbag is full of intrigue, and listeners have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Throw in our picks of the week and a ministry resource, or two, and we’ve got the makings of a great podcast!

The interview & discussion:

MLC DayPray, Share, Give – Martin Luther College Vice President for Mission Advancement Mike Otterstatter visits the podcast studio to chat about the use of social media ambassadors to share the events of the first ever MLC Day.

News in tech:

WELS now:

  • We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
    • Logos Pre-Conference Workshop registration
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming graduation and call day events:
    • Martin Luther College – May 15 & 16
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – May 19-22

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Featured videos:

Keeping the MLC Day theme going, we’ve added to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo  – Listen as MLC’s College Choir performs God So Loved the World in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 392 – How can technology assist with cross cultural ministry efforts? Martin shares notes from his recent trip to Boise, ID. Watch and participate on 05/12/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

390 – Hymn and ChristLight Tech

On this week’s WELSTech we share web sites and mobile apps useful in the classroom for the study of God’s Word and Hymnology. Listen also for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, teacher resources for participating in the student hymn survey, and free stock photography and personal font resources.

The interview & discussion:

rachelFeld145x125The ladies of tech – Martin is outnumbered this week with not one, but three, high-tech gals sharing the mic. WELSTech welcomes Gail Potratz, our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent from Emanuel, New London, WI, and Rachel Feld, teacher and WELSTech Conference presenter from Bethany, Kenosha, WI, along with Sallie to continue the WELSTech Goes to School series. This month’s focus is tech to enhance and extend the study of God’s Word and Hymnology.

News in tech:

Say hi to Fi – Google’s new mobile phone plan

WELS now:

  • We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Check out the exciting presentation options available in the School track
    • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming graduation and call day events:
    • Martin Luther College – May 15 & 16
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – May 19-22

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Google Cultural Institute’s Dead Sea ScrollsProject Site

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Product Demo playlist on YouTube is Echoes of the Hammer

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 391 – Martin and Sallie are joined by Martin Luther College Vice President, Mike Otterstatter, who will share the “inside scoop” on the MLC Day celebration planned for May 6. Watch and participate on 05/05/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net.

Get involved:

389 – Worship Planning In A Mobile World

This week on WELSTech we take a deep dive into worship planning and get a preview of Matt Weseloh’s WELSTech Conference presentation on the topic. Listen also for a new online teen Bible study opportunity, a ministry marketing focused Pinterest board, and mobile-centric news galore!

The interview & discussion:

Matt_Webcam145x125Is it in the right key? – WELSTech Conference 2015 presenter Matt Weseloh, a member of Holy Word, Pflugerville, TX, chats with Martin and Sallie about the worship planning experiences he will be sharing in his conference breakout session titled “Worship Planning in a Mobile World.”

News in tech:

Google rolls out mobile-friendly search results

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Product Demo playlist on YouTube is PCO (PlanningCenterOnline) – A Guided Tour


Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 390 – WELSTech Goes To School with guest host Gail Potratz as we explore tech for teaching God’s Word & Hymnology – 04/28/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

388 – Gospel-Driven

This week WELSTech marks the end of the What’s Best Next book series with a reflection on what we’ve learned along the way. There’s also discussion of an exciting opportunity for WELSTech Conference attendees, a favorite hymns survey, free fonts, the verse of the day, and much more. Join the conversation!

The discussion:

The EndSay Goodbye – Martin and Sallie discuss Part 7 of Matt Perman’s What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done and wrap up this season’s book discussion by reviewing the five takeaways in the book recap.

News in tech:

Google Education on Air – Free online conference, May 8-9

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Instructional playlist on YouTube is Understanding Exposure: The Exposure Triangle with Mark Wallace


Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 389 – We’ll take a look at the important task of worship planning and how technology can assist – 04/21/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

387 – In The Bag

WELSTech is on the road this week as Martin vacations in warm Austin, TX and both he and Sallie did a worship tour of district president congregations over Easter. The topic for discussion is what to carry in your computer bag when traveling. Geek out with their gadget list, and stay tuned for more great ministry-tech ideas including Bible costumes, a meeting fable and QR code treasure hunts.

The discussion:

inTheBag145x125Pack Your Bag – Don’t get caught without the things you need when you are away from home and office. Martin and Sallie share the contents of their computer bags with the hope that their lists can serve as a checklist for future packing efforts.

Martin’s bag:

Sallie’s bag:

News in tech:

Google under fire for YouTube Kids app

WELS now:

Something to tweet about! The WELSTech Conference Early Bird registration price of $199 has been extended to April 15!

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Bible costume ideas on Pinterest

Featured videos:

This week we link to the Martin Luther College Concerts 2014-2015 Livestream archive for the College Choir Homecoming Concert 2015

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 388 – Martin and Sallie wrap up the discussion of Matt Perman’s What’s Best Next. Watch and participate on 04/14/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net.

Get involved:

386 – Science and Social Studies

On this week’s WELSTech Jason Schmidt brings his enthusiasm and great science and social studies apps for all ages. In our community feedback section we also enjoy a Kickstarter project that will make pancakes in any shape you can draw.

The discussion:

GrasshopperBack to School – Semi-regular classroom technology correspondent Jason Schmidt, from Bennington ISD, joins Martin and Sallie as we share edTech resources for the science and social studies classrooms, part of the WELSTech Goes to School series.

News in tech:

World Back Up Day!

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Easter Resource Roundup from Church Tech Today

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Instructional playlist on YouTube is Social Animals, Solitary Creatures, just one of the 100+ videos on the Kids Animal Channel


Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 387 – Martin and Sallie share their carry-along tech that they can’t do without. Watch and participate on 04/07/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net.

Get involved: