Tag Archive for: audio

704 – Tech Like a Pirate Pt 2

It’s summertime on WELSTech, and this week the discussion is on chapters 3 & 4 of our current reading selection, Tech Like a PIRATE. Martin and Sallie share their picks of the week (royalty free images for your phone and an Apple watch competitor) plus lots of Community Feedback. Join the conversation!

The discussion

Video, Audio, and Games, oh my – Martin and Sallie discuss chapters 3 & 4 of Matt Miller’s Tech Like a PIRATE: Using Classroom Technology to Create an Experience and Make Learning Memorable.

Picks of the week

Community feedback & events

Register for the free SPARCC EdTech Conference – Live streaming on July 18

Next time

Tech Like a Pirate – Chapters 5 & 6

Get involved

557 – All About the Audio

There’s a big change in place with this week’s WELSTech. We’re going retro, meaning we’ll be producing audio-only podcast moving forward. But we’ve still got a great tech-in-ministry discussion for you, this week reviewing more of Eat That Frog!, sharing a couple of hardware picks, and featuring not one, but three videos!

The discussion:

Key results – Martin and Sallie return to our summer book discussion of Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy. Chapters 9 & 10 encourage us to identify our most important responsibilities and consider ways to improve in those areas.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Featured videos:

Enjoy sand art by artist Jason Jaspersen to accompany the 2018 Youth Rally theme song, Never Alone, performed by Koine. If you like the song and sand art, check out this playlist with four different versions of sand art for this song!

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 558 – Chapters 9 and 10 of Eat That Frog! have Martin and Sallie talking about proper preparation and oil barrels (??). Release date: Wednesday, July 18.

Get involved:

493 – Feedback and Infographics

Lots of listener feedback and some sweet infographics headline WELSTech this week! We even talk about a cool tool to create your own infographics, the rumored Microsoft “Cloudbook,” countless ways to grow in grace, a bit of Office magic, and some Ministry Resource goodness by way of Google Slides.

The discussion:

Pen, paper and microwave – Martin and Sallie dive into the WELSTech virtual mailbag and share some amazing technology for ministry and a few stunning infographics.

News in tech:

The Microsoft ‘CloudBook’ could be Chromebook’s worst nightmare

Countdown to episode 500:

Revisit year 3 (2010) of WELSTech (episodes 113 to 164), the year of the church Facebook page!

WELS now:

Opportunities for Summer study

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Desktop Publishing in the Cloud

Featured video:

New on the WELSTech Music playlist is Hallelujah featuring Dawn Michelle Williams.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 494 – Teacher Rachel Feld chimes in on the topic of the changing role of teachers. Release date: Wednesday, April 26.

Get involved:

460 – Audio Publishing

This week we put the finishing touches on the WELSTech self-publishing summer series with a discussion of the technical requirements to turn a book into an audio book suitable for Audible and other distribution channels. Martin finally settles on a personal, cloud-based storage solution that is easy on the pocketbook, and the WELSTech Google Group is a happening place!

The discussion:

MicrophoneSpoken book – Martin and Sallie explore audio book creation in this last installment of the summer Self-Publishing series. The Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) provides several paths for turning your book into an audio book including hiring voice talent to read your book or recording the audio yourself.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

  • Eight Trends Where Churches Are Moving Virtual
  • Read all about Interactive White Boards, Internet Safety and more on the WELSTech Google Group

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 461 – Join Martin, Sallie and WELSTech Photo Challenge star Naomi Green as we kick off a new podcasting season with a discussion of photography. Release date: Wednesday, September 7

Get involved:

411 – Worship Tech

This week on WELSTech we talk about a creative way to involve members in your ministry efforts, share some security tips for your social media accounts and even throw in some cool (and educational) websites for kids.

The interview & discussion:

core145x125Creative team – Tom Plamann, Technology & Creative Arts Coordinator at The CORE in Appleton, WI, joins Martin and Sallie with a look behind the scenes at the planning, creativity and cutting edge technology (minus a fear of failure) which goes into each worship service.

News in tech:

iOS 9 available for iPhone and iPad

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Websites for Kids – A list of great kids sites including …

Featured video:

This week we’ve added not one, but two, projection mapping introductory videos to the WELSTech Product Demos YouTube Playlist – 3D Projection Mapping and Projection Mapping: The Future is Here. Learn more at Projection Mapping Central.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 412 – Martin and Sallie welcome back Gail Potratz to the semi-regular classroom correspondent chair to talk “making” with tech in the classroom.  Join us Tuesday, September 29 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

350 – Can You Hear Me Now?

WELSTech passes some major milestones this week, in more ways than one. Join Sallie for more wiki migration, featuring a discussion of audio hardware, plus a double dip of picks of the week. There’s even BACON!! Enjoy!

The discussion:

earphonesListen Up! – The WELSTech Wiki migration project has arrived at the Infrastructure category today and in particular we cover audio hardware and help resources.

Tech tips:

  • Eric’s Big List of Google Resources (for the classroom)

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 351 – Next week we’ll look at all things video as we wrap up the hardware section of the WELSTech Wiki migration. (Broadcast date – 07/22/14)

Featured video:

Today’s video, an addition to the WELSTech Presentation and Teaching YouTube playlist, is in the form of a folk tale with a lesson about evangelism – A fishy tale


Get involved:

197 – WELS Hacker: Be a SMART Listener

This week the WELSTech Podcast includes discussion of SMART Boards and audio Bibles as well as details on the 200th episode video camera giveaway.

The discussion:

Corn Days hacks – Martin and Sallie share recent blog posts about SMART Boards and audio Bibles in this latest installment of the summer WELS Hacker series.

  • Smart is as SMART does
    • Visit ShopWELS for SMART Board deals from InfoCor
  • The Listener’s Bible narrated by Max McLean

Of interest:

  • (18:22) WELSTech turns 200 – On September 7th WELSTech will broadcast our 200th weekly episode, and we need your help to celebrate! Lend your voice to the podcast by recording a voice mail about … your own tech in ministry experience, your favorite podcast episode or just general well-wishes for our 200th anniversary celebration … and you could win a custom WELSTech 4 GB Flip Mino HD video camera – approximate value $100! Be sure to include your name and location in your recording so we can contact you if you are the winner. Deadline for entry is Labor Day, September 5, 2011. Call and leave a message today to enter at 405-FOR-WELS (405-367-9357).
  • Job Opening – There is an opening in the WELS Technology Office for a Technical Support Specialist. Contact WELSTech for more details.

Community feedback:

The featured artist:

(30:11) We close the podcast with the music of Mike Westendorf (www.mikewestendorf.com and mikewestendorf on Twitter) – Open the Door from his CD titled “Undefined”

Get involved:

178 – April Showers: Webmaster Resources

This week on the WELSTech Podcast the “April Showers” series kick-off focuses on all aspects of web site creation.

WELSTech Webmaster Shower

The discussion:

Raining Resources for your Web Site – Across the 3.5 years of WELSTech archives you will find discussion of a plethora of webmaster tools.  Today Martin and Sallie share all you need to set up and maintain your church or school web site in one (long) list!  Enjoy the rain!!

Ministry resources:

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(48:22) FinalWeb Training in New Ulm, MN and Milwaukee, WI

  • FinalWeb for Teachers in New Ulm on June 27 and Milwaukee on August 1 – bit.ly/fw4teachers
  • FinalWeb for Dummies in New Ulm June 28-30 and Milwaukee August 2-4 – bit.ly/fw4dummies

Community feedback:

  • (49:10) On the LinkedIn In the WELS group discussion boards, the topic of video production was raised.   WELS video designers include
  • The WELSTech listserve had lots of chatter related to the legalities of using member and student photos on congregation and school web sites.  Check out the archived conversation on the WELSTech Wiki.  Thanks to Mike Plocher, Director of Technology, from St. Paul’s Lutheran School in New Ulm, MN for sharing their Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act document.
  • Following up on our Office 2010 podcast, Martin is researching further Microsoft pricing for the Office Suite.  Watch for updates at ShopWELS.net.

Coming up on WELSTech:

(55:30) Episode 179 – Get ready for an “April Shower” of Bible teaching resources.  (Release date – 04/13/11)

The featured artist:

(56:50) We close the podcast with the music of Dawn Michelle Williams (www.dawnmichellewilliams.com | TwitterFacebookMy Space) – Beautiful Savior from her CD titled ”Inspirations”

Get involved:

168 – SoundzAbound

This week on the WELSTech Podcast the focus is the use of copyright-safe audio in the 21st century classroom.

The discussion:

Audio Resources for Students – Gail Potratz (gailpotratz on Twitter), our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent from Emanuel in New London, WI, joins Martin and Sallie this week as we review 21st Century Skills, specifically the use of audio resources for communication and problem solving.

The interview:

Barry Britt(8:31) Copyright friendly- Barry Britt from Soundzabound.com talks with Gail about the development of the copyright-safe-audio-for-education web site.

Ministry Resources:

(32:18) my.BrainShark.com is a simple way to narrate files and embed them on your web site – View a sample WELSTech presentation

News in Tech:

(36:38) DimDim.com web conferencing is no longer free (FAQ).  There are many free alternatives, including a few we’ve recently discussed on WELSTech …

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(59:33) Episode 169 – Evangelical websites is the planned discussion topic as we chat with Staff Minister Jonathan Favorite from Crosswalk Lutheran Ministries in Phoenix, AZ. (Release date 02/02/11)

The featured artist:

(1:01:01) We close with the music of Koine (www.koinemusic.comFacebook) – Christ is our Cornerstone from their CD titled ”Koine II”

Get involved:

127 – Martin and Sallie’s First Video

This week on the WELSTech podcast we learn about the audio/video configuration in the new MLC chapel.

The discussion:

The Chapel of the Christ – Martin and Sallie take the WELSTech audience “on the road” as we check out the beautiful new Chapel of the Christ on the campus of Martin Luther College and record our first ever WELSTech videocast.  Watch as we talk with John Nolte, MLC Professor and faculty sponsor of Avco, the student-run audio/video organization, David Hosbach from DSH Audio Visions and students Justin Liepert and Jeffery Clark.  We get a techie tour of the chapel’s new audio video equipment.

Chapel Dedication Collage
View larger

  • Watch live chapel services (10:30 a.m. and 6:50 p.m. weekdays) plus special concerts and services on the MLC Chapel channel – www.ustream.tv/channel/mlc-chapel
  • Become a fan of Martin Luther College on Facebook and receive announcements about streamed events – www.facebook.com/mlcwels
  • Special thanks to DSH Audio Visions and Riedel & Associates for their work on the audio/video equipment and acoustics in the chapel

Ministry resources:

(12:30) Biblos.com – online Bible study resources

News in tech:

Picks of the week:

WELS.net feature:

(26:15) WELS Locator – submit your web site and church photo

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(49:06) Episode 128 – We’re hitting the books again on WELSTech. Join us for a discussion of chapter 6 of Shane Hipps’ The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture. (Release date 04/21/10)

The featured artist:

  • (52:42) Blogger Steve Brown from “Worship Ideas You Can Use” called in a comment about Michael Schroeder’s latest CD titled “Worship” which includes companion PowerPoint resources for use in worship.  Read Steve’s review of the CD.
  • We close the podcast with the music of Michael Schroeder (www.michaelschroeder.com and Facebook) – That’s My King from his CD titled “Worship”

Get involved:

  • Add a comment below
  • Send us an e-mail [email protected]
  • Leave us a voice mail 405-FOR-WELS (405-367-9357)
  • Add to the WELSTech wiki welstechwiki.wels.net
  • Contribute to the #WELSTech Twitter conversation
  • Follow us on Twitter – mspriggs and welstechtrainer
  • Use the del.icio.us tag welstech
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  • Join the WELSTech community: