Tag Archive for: communication

733 – Silent Mice

On this episode of WELSTech, Martin and Sallie continue their discussion on ministry volunteers, with a look at the challenges of communication and showing appreciation. You’ll also hear about creating your own online store for branded merchandise from your church or school, learning the ins and outs of church speaker placement, and nominating someone for the WELSTech AI Summit. Plus, keep your eyes peeled for those stealthy mice!

The discussion & interview

Communicating & appreciating – Martin and Sallie return to the topic of volunteers, focusing on establishing and maintaining communication channels as well as ways to show appreciation to volunteers.

Ministry resources

Create an online store for your church and school (and perhaps gift your volunteers some swag)

Picks of the week

Community feedback & events

Next time

They’re baaaack! Rachel Feld and Jason Schmidt co-host and the ed tech goodness abounds!

Get involved

695 – Church Communication Plans

On today’s WELSTech Wendy Kuschel shares a preview of her upcoming session on communication planning happening at the WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership, and Martin chats with Nicole Balza about the Forward in Christ December feature on favorite Christmas hymns. You’ll want to explore the fun, interactive online experience they’ve created!


The interview

Martin and Sallie talk with Wendy Kuschel, Senior Communications Coordinator for St Mark Ministries in Green Bay, WI, about her upcoming session at WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership on Creating a Congregational Communications Plan.

You can still register for the Leadership Conference through December 5. It’s happening January 16-18, 2023, at the Hilton in Chicago, IL.

  • Clearstream – Church texting
  • Canva Pro free for non-profits – Graphic design

Ministry resource

Martin joins Nicole Balza on this week’s Together Video Update to talk about the Forward in Christ Favorite Christmas Hymns survey results. Check out the December magazine and the interactive Christmas hymn experience at forwardinchrist.net.

Picks of the week

Community news & feedback

  • Join the WELS Technology Team – We’re hiring a Systems Administrator
  • 2023 Awake Alive Conference – January 13-15, 2023, in Mankato, MN

Next time

The WELSTech Christmas special will feature an interview with Pastor Dan Sims from WELS Christian Aid and Relief.

Get involved

635 – PR & A Pandemic

This week on WELSTech we hear from the Martin Luther College Director of Public Relations about the challenges and changes to communication during the pandemic. In addition, there’s a wide variety of tech tools and tips that may benefit your ministry including safely back to school webinars, Gmail organization, Bitmoji classroom images, and farewell to classic Google Sites. Tune in and turn it up!

The interview and discussion:

Communicating to a college community – Bill Pekrul, Director of Public Relations at Martin Luther College (MLC), talks with Martin and Sallie about the levels and multiple channels of communication they utilize. Bill also shares tips that congregations and schools can use as they devise communication plans.

Additional examples to consider from MLC communication:

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Featured videos/online course:

MLC Update

Next time:

Summer interviews on pandemic ministry continue, next time with Dennis Maurer, WELS Director of Human Resources.

Get involved:

615 – Bitmoji All Around

On WELSTech this week we learn a lot of things … how to facilitate school-home communication, where to find security guidelines for churches and schools, how to remotely operate Google Slides, that Apple has a new MacBook Pro on the market, and that the trio of co-hosts are all Bitmoji users. Who knew!

The discussion:

Connecting Guardians and Schools – In the recently released Future of the Classroom report, Google shares 8 trends which they believe will have an impact on how schools prepare students for a yet-to-be-defined future. Teacher-parent communication, one of the 8 trends outlined in the report, is an area where technology can assist, and Jason Schmidt, Instructional Technology Coach for Oconto Falls School District, joins the conversation to share his experience with a tech tool designed for this purpose.

  • Seesaw for Schools
  • WELSTech 593 includes an interview with Stephanie Krahn and Kurt Gosdeck on Student-Driven Portfolios using Seesaw

News in tech:

New MacBook Pro 16″

WELS now:

General Information Security Guidelines for WELS Organizations

Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

Remote for Slides

Community feedback:

Google’s rollout of RCS chat for all Android users

Featured video:

Enjoy Koine Worship Media’s Now Thank We All Our God.

Get involved:

594 – Talking Design with Bri

WELSTech is back, and we’re all about design this week. We get tips and tools from WELS in-house graphic designer, talk identity/logo guidelines, and feature videos on the topic. There’s also chatter about three tech giants including news from Apple, magic for Google Drive, and new Microsoft hardware.

The interview and discussion:

Visual Communication – Briana Lambrecht, Creative Services Coordinator for Communication Services, talks with Martin and Sallie about graphic design, WELS communication resources, and favorite (sometimes FREE) tools to get creative!

News in tech:

Thoughts on Apple’s News+, Card,  Arcade, and TV+ event — something for everyone

WELS now:

  • Request a mission speaker
  • Congrats to Alissa K. & Joel J., winners of the WELS Education, Technology, and Leadership Summit giveaways!
    • Register now for early bird pricing

Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

WELS Identity Guidelines

Community feedback:

Featured videos:

Check out these design tutorial YouTube channels recommended by Briana:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 595 – Jason Schmidt joins the conversation as we continue our edtech book discussion of Faithfully Connected, looking at chapters 6 and 7 – Digital Law and Digital Rights & Responsibilities. Release date: Thursday, April 11.

Get involved:

545 – Awesome Apps: Communication

The WELSTech April series called “Awesome Apps” continues as Martin and Sallie share some of their favorite smart device communication tools for texting, emailing, video conferencing and more. Sallie has to figure out how to say the name of her new car but in the process found a great car buying app, and Martin, tuning in from a conference in Salt Lake City, found the benefits of handwriting notes…digitally.

The interview:

Care giving tech – Dan Stelljes is the Product Development Lead for First Layer Health, a software development company owned by WELS members which focuses on making social and healthcare communication easier for older people. He shares details of their newest product, TheirCare, which delivers video calls, messages, and more to certain internet-connected televisions. One of the uses of the tool is for church shut-in ministry. Contact Dan if you’d like to pilot a program in your congregation.

The discussion:

Communication apps – Reaching out to touch someone via a plain old phone call, is so yesterday. Martin and Sallie discuss their favorite smartphone apps for many forms of communication.

News in tech:

Google shutters it’s goo.gl URL shortening service

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Check out Faithlife’s new Ministry Team magazine

Community feedback:

The Ultimate Guide for Using Trello at Home

Featured video:

What made us laugh in Star Trek IV (circa 1986) is turning into our reality in 2018 – voice controlled devices. Enjoy this throwback to Mr.Scott (a.k.a. The Miracle Worker) communicating with a computer.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 546 – Prof. Rachel Feld co-hosts, and the discussion centers around awesome apps for the classroom. Release date: Wednesday, April 25.

Get involved:

538 – Training Techies: School Websites

The last WELSTech episode in February finishes off a month-long focus on training. Today we are joined by MLC Professor Rachel Feld to discuss school websites and how to approach training faculty members who are already stretched too thin. An interesting challenge, but there are tools and techniques to help. Rachel talks about a $99 pencil, Sallie brings some plugin goodness, and Martin finds his “waze.”

The discussion:

Websites for classrooms – Martin Luther College Professor Rachel Feld joins the conversation with tips for training teachers to manage classroom web sites. It’s not always about tech savvy teachers switching to the latest shiny technology. Instead, adopting tools school wide and committing to long-term usage, ongoing training, and support may be the wiser strategy.

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:


Community feedback:

Joe Dexter from Emanuel in New London, WI shared information on the pending demise of 600 MHz wireless microphones.

Featured video:

Appropriate for the season, check out Koine’s Lenten Hymns and Music playlist including this week’s featured video, O Dearest Jesus.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 539 – Tune in as WELSTech goes back to the basics, exploring the nuances of the tech tools we rely on daily to get our jobs done. Release date: Wednesday, March 7.

Get involved:

511 – Signs of the Times

A new day has dawned for churches and schools wanting to add signage to their public spaces. Digital is the way to go, and it’s not hard or even expensive. On this week’s WELSTech, we discuss Google’s offering for G Suite users, as well as some cool devices that make getting your message up in lights a snap!

The discussion:

DIY digital signs – Churches and schools … there’s no better time to consider the use of announcement monitors in your buildings. Tune in for hardware and software tips on the Digital Signage + Google equation.

Picks of the week:

  • Capital campaign event communication example from St. Paul’s, New Ulm
  • Get started with Team Drives

Community feedback:

Featured video:

It’s back to school time at Martin Luther College which means their weekday chapel services are once again being live streamed! Find all the details at mlc-wels.edu/streams, and watch the archived opening service from August 21, 2017. We send a special shout out to one of MLC’s newest professors, installed in the opening service, WELSTech’s own Rachel Feld!!

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 512 – The summer of Ministry Resources is nearing its end, but not before Martin shares what makes up his portable presentation toolkit. Release date: Wednesday, August 30.

Get involved:

508 – Synod Convention 2017 Special

WELSTech is back, and Martin and Sallie are side-by-side in Watertown, WI to continue our biennial tradition of special coverage at WELS Synod Convention. We’ve got a great lineup of interesting interviews to give you an insider’s look at different topics related to convention.

The interviews:

Prof. Earle Treptow is on the faculty at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and serves as the chairman of the WELS Compensation Review Committee. He presented to the convention delegates several recommendations from the committee as well as debuted the recently developed Called Worker Compensation Calculator (wels.net/cwcompcalc).

Dr. Jeff Wiechman is Vice President for Academics at Martin Luther College as well as chairman of the convention Elections Committee. He explains why that role makes him a frequent visitor to the speaker podium. Plus we get an update on the state of technology at MLC.

Mr. Lee Hitter serves as WELS Director of Communications, and his responsibilities not only include ongoing synod communication efforts but also the complete coverage of Synod Convention. He shares details on the many communication platforms in play as well as the effort that goes into sharing the convention experience with the entire WELS membership. You can learn more about the convention, and watch live streaming coverage and regular video updates at wels.net/2017synodconvention.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 509 – Ministry resources take center stage once again next week. Tune in! Release date: Wednesday, August 9.

Get involved:

Communicating with QR Codes

QR Codes are a communication/call to action method which has existed for over two decades but has failed to garner major adoption. Until now! Recently it was revealed that the upcoming version of iPhone software, iOS 11, will include a camera enhancement that will automatically scan QR Codes. This will eliminate the need for separate QR Code scanning app (I currently use Scan). The need for a special app added to the QR Code “geek factor” and kept many away from using the shortcut tool. With that requirement eliminated, nothing should stand between getting your great communication out to many people.


Consider these ideas for integrating QR Codes into your ministry communication plans:

  1. Presentation resources – For Bible Class or classroom presentations, keep handouts simple and use a QR Code to point people to online resources.
  2. Event advertising – Include a QR code on fliers and pamphlets advertising events so those interested can quickly access online information and registration.
  3. WiFi access information – Does your church or school have a guest WiFi network? Store the credentials in a QR code and post or handout the code to grant access.
  4. Scavenger hunt – Scavenger hunts are always a fun fellowship activity for all ages. Hide QR codes (with text clues which lead to the next code) around your church, school or event location.
  5. Parent resources – Add a page or pages to your website which are dedicated to parent resources, and include the QR Code for the page on a handout and in your newsletter.

Related resources

Create your own free QR Codes on these sites:

See a demo of QR Code creation on several sites in this video, How to Create a QR Code.

See All Ministry Resources