Tag Archive for: Gail

691 – And 250 Episodes Later…

Welcome back to WELSTech listeners and to a very special returning co-host, Gail Potratz. Our discussion focus of the day is school technology planning. We have an exciting announcement about (more than one) lectionary in Google Calendar as well as picks to improve your focus and to create tech plans and more, with flair. Plus, Martin is making notes all over the web – even in his digital Bible – and managing them in one place!


Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

The discussion

Welcome back – After a long hiatus, Gail Potratz shares hosting duties with Martin and Sallie once again. (You’ll have to tune in to WELSTech Episode 443 from May 2016 for Gail’s last appearance.) Gail’s insights related to Educational Technology have only gotten better with time, and today she shares ideas around the importance of creating and updating formal School Technology Plans.

Check out the WELSTech Wiki for sample Tech Plans and templates to create your own. Add yours to the mix!

Ministry resource

Google Calendar Lectionary is back and expanded! Subscribe to the calendars for …

Picks of the week

Community news & feedback

Tap into the WELS Google Schools group on groups.io

Get involved

443 – Web Literacy

This week’s WELSTech features the return of edtech leader Gail Potratz and a discussion of the expected digital literacy skills students should possess and how tech giant Mozilla is answering the need. In addition, there are Google Chrome extensions, a snappy mobile image editor and online Bible study resources shared. All this, plus we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day!

The discussion:

Web LiteracyTech skills – On Teacher Appreciation Day it’s fitting that Martin and Sallie welcome our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, Gail Potratz, Technology Coordinator at Emanuel in New London, WI for a discussion of curriculum standards for technology education.

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Interactive Faith “Who Is Your God?” online Bible study archive – Videos | Study guides

Featured video:

Tune in to a Heart to Heart discussion on training children how to handle money with Kerry Ognenoff, saved on the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 444 – Martin and Sallie pop the cork to celebrate the conclusion of the WELSTech DIY book project, With All Your Heart, with a discussion of ways to wrap up a project. Release date: Wednesday, May 11

Get involved:

434 – Kid Creators

It’s education technology week again on WELSTech as Gail Potratz shares her insights into the transformation of learning through the use of technology. Listen for a thoughtful discussion which educators and administrators can use as a springboard to examining the state of transformative learning in their own schools. Where do you stand on the SAMR path?

The discussion:

Kid CreatorConsumers to creators – Gail Potratz, Technology Coordinator at Emanuel in New London, WI, joins Martin and Sallie for a WELS-style discussion of the New Media Consortium’s K-12 Horizon Report. As we observe dropping prices allowing for increased tech adoption in WELS schools, the new challenge becomes having administrative vision plus necessary time investment by all teachers (not just the tech coordinator) to redefine learning.

  • SAMR
  • Mathtrain.tv
  • Common Sense Media’s K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum
  • Gail’s “The Plot Thickens” example

News in tech:

WELS now:

Check out the Educational Technology Certificate program at Martin Luther College

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Check out the Jelly Telly channel on YouTube – Sample 1 Samuel video

Featured video:

With a special shout out to Bread for Beggars for the link, enjoy the music of Joey Schumann … “If God Himself Be For Me” is saved on the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 435 – Amanda Moldstad from On-My-Heart.com, a downloadable Lutheran memory work system, joins Martin and Sallie as they discuss ways to grow your faith digitally. Release date: Wednesday, March 9

Get involved:

420 – BYO Popcorn

Thanksgiving week on WELSTech brings lots of video blessings (enjoy some popcorn while you watch) plus a great conversation with Gail Potratz on the life of a school/church tech director. We introduce a new book which helps us focus on our many reasons to be thankful, and we enjoy a taste of heaven with a special version of Jerusalem The Golden.

A special tribute:

We celebrate the life and legacy of Pastor David Witte, the voice of WELS Through My Bible series, who recently passed away.

The discussion:

BYO popcornA Day in the Life of a Tech Director – Gail Potratz from Emanuel in New London, WI joins Sallie to discuss the wide variety of responsibilities which a school and church technology director covers including planning, purchasing, maintaining, documenting and providing professional development for staff on the wide variety of tech software, hardware and infrastructure (while pursuing personal professional development to learn about all of these responsibilities).

News in tech:

Meet The New Google+

WELS now:

364 Days of Thanksgiving by Pastor Andrew Schroer

  • 364daysofthanksgiving.com
  • Recently published book from Northwestern Publishing House
  • Facebook

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

A Man Named Martin – Part 1: The Man video series  – Study Resources and Martin Luther Booklet

Featured video:

This week we’ve added another video from the WELS Hymnal Committee to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo. Enjoy a special setting of Jerusalem the Golden, recorded at the 2014 WELS National Worship Conference, one of the 50 favorite hymns identified in their recent survey. Learn more.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 421 – Martin and Sallie take a walk through the new Windows 10 operating system. Release date: Wednesday, December 2

Get involved:

412 – Google Classroom

School is back in session, and that means the monthly WELSTech focus on educational technology is back also! Gail Potratz joins the conversation to share an overview of Google’s learning management system, Classroom. Young engineers are in the news, and Martin shares a sunny way to manage your schedule.

The interview and discussion:

Google Classroom Logo145x125Learning Google-style – Martin and Sallie welcome Gail Potratz from Emanuel in New London, WI back to the semi-regular classroom technology correspondent share for a new season of edtech knowledge sharing. This month the topic is Google Classroom as Gail walks through creating classes and sharing assignments, even using some of her favorite Google extensions, Doctopus and Goobric.

News in tech:

Congrats to the Shoreland Lutheran High School Engineering Team for winning the GE Design & Build Challenge at the Milwaukee Maker Faire!

WELS now:

Announcing the WELSTech Photo Challenge October categories … Reformation & Fall.

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Brainscape flashcards

Featured video:

This week we’ve added a video from the WELS Hymnal Committee to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo. Enjoy a special setting of In Christ Alone, one of the 50 favorite hymns identified in their recent survey. Learn more.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 413 – Martin and Sallie welcome Missionary Mike Hartman to WELSTech as he shares an update on the tech enhanced work happening in Latin American Missions. Join us Tuesday, October 6 at 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

390 – Hymn and ChristLight Tech

On this week’s WELSTech we share web sites and mobile apps useful in the classroom for the study of God’s Word and Hymnology. Listen also for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, teacher resources for participating in the student hymn survey, and free stock photography and personal font resources.

The interview & discussion:

rachelFeld145x125The ladies of tech – Martin is outnumbered this week with not one, but three, high-tech gals sharing the mic. WELSTech welcomes Gail Potratz, our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent from Emanuel, New London, WI, and Rachel Feld, teacher and WELSTech Conference presenter from Bethany, Kenosha, WI, along with Sallie to continue the WELSTech Goes to School series. This month’s focus is tech to enhance and extend the study of God’s Word and Hymnology.

News in tech:

Say hi to Fi – Google’s new mobile phone plan

WELS now:

  • We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Check out the exciting presentation options available in the School track
    • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming graduation and call day events:
    • Martin Luther College – May 15 & 16
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – May 19-22

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Google Cultural Institute’s Dead Sea ScrollsProject Site

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Product Demo playlist on YouTube is Echoes of the Hammer

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 391 – Martin and Sallie are joined by Martin Luther College Vice President, Mike Otterstatter, who will share the “inside scoop” on the MLC Day celebration planned for May 6. Watch and participate on 05/05/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net.

Get involved:

381 – Sherry, Pirates, and Watches

This week’s WELSTech has it all: literary adventures, a winery tour, and even fashion advice. Get the inside scoop on great deals from ShopWELS vendors as well as the hottest pre-conference workshops planned for this summer’s WELSTech Conference. All this, and more, awaits.

The discussion:

Pirates TreasureAhoy, Mates – Whether students are spinning pirate tales, researching gasoline or mapping the sites mentioned in Johnny Tremain, there are edtech Language Arts resources to assist and extend their work. Gail Potratz from Emanuel in New London, WI joins Martin and Sallie as we continue the WELSTech Goes to School series with a focus on Language Arts for all grade levels.

News in tech:

OneNote is now (even more) free!

Picks of the week:

WELS insider:

ShopWELS Insider for Winter 2015

Need to know:

Don’t miss out on great Logos deals and the Google Apps pre-conference workshop at WELSTech Conference 2015!

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 382 – Next week on WELSTech, Mart and Sallie talk about Heart to Heart, the new NPH parenting resource. (03/03/15)

Featured videos:

The newest video on the WELSTech Instructional YouTube playlist introduces you to the 60secondrecap.com format – Overview of Huckleberry Finn


Get involved:

370 – Badges

Turn it up for a WELSTech welcome to the new church year! The edtech discussion focus is implementation of badges plus there’s lots more tech-in-ministry ideas including an Advent Bible reading plan, helpful Google Chrome extensions, ideas for sharing event calendar invitations and lots of opportunities to enjoy Christmas concerts.

The discussion:

Credly-WELSTech-blank145x125Implementing Badges – Gail Potratz, Tech Coordinator at Emanuel in New London, WI and one of WELSTech’s semi-regular classroom technology correspondents, chats with Martin and Sallie about her new program using badges in middle grades Language Arts.

Ministry resources:

News in tech:

Tips & picks of the week:

WELS insider:

Streaming Christmas Concerts:

Need to know:

  • Registration is open for FinalWeb online training, coming up January 21-23, 2015. bit.ly/fw4d2015
  • Visit the WELSTech Conference 2015 site to sign up for conference announcements via e-mail

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 371 – Martin and Sallie return to the current book discussion, What’s Best Next by Matt Perman, a discussion where productivity meets stewardship. (Broadcast date – 12/09/14)

Featured videos:

Keeping the Christmas concert theme going, this week we feature a new entry on the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo  – Koine: Christmas is Forgiving


Get involved:

361 – What’s Up With Gail?

Check your watch because it’s time again for WELSTech. This week the topic is the changing face of education technology, and guest host Gail Potratz is back to share news from her new school year. The show also includes a timely discussion of Martin’s new phone and exciting updates to Google Forms.

The discussion:

gpotratz145x125Welcome back – Gail Potratz, Tech Director at Emanuel in New London, WI and one of WELSTech’s semi-regular classroom technology correspondents (SRCTC), is back to share her edtech knowledge with Martin, Sallie and the WELSTech community. Find out what’s in, what’s out and what edtech is not so scary this school year in Gail’s world.

News in tech:

Ministry resources:

  • ShopWELS vendor, Troxell, offers special pricing on a Toshiba Chromebook

Tips & picks of the week:

WELS insider:

Need to know:

  • iPhone 4 donations needed for Malawi

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 362 – Martin and Sallie begin the review of our 5 minute Pastor’s Tech Survey (bit.ly/pastorstechsurvey). Submit your favorite tech by Saturday, October 4, and you could win a copy of HymnSoft Player 3.0 (a $249.99 value) courtesy of Northwestern Publishing House. (Broadcast date – 10/07/14)

Featured videos:

This week’s featured video was added to both out Instructional and Product Demos YouTube playlists. Enjoy friEdTechnology’s Getting Started With Google Classroom


Get involved:

339 – School Tech Planning

On a very special WELSTech Sallie is surrounded by an edtech support group who tackle the timely task of planning for infrastructure, hardware, financing and policies around technology in the classroom, be it Chromebooks, iPads or Android tablets, Macs or PCs. We also hear form James Carlovsky about the upcoming Tech & Teach in-service day at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School.

The discussion:

schoolTech145x125The edtech gang’s all here – Sparked by an e-mail request for assistance with technology infrastructure and hardware direction from Jennie Adelmeyer, St. John’s, Lomira, WI, an ad hoc edtech support group was formed. Find out about Jennie’s tech questions (which may sound a lot like questions many other WELS schools are considering) and hear the advice she receives from Gail Potratz, Justin Liepert and Jason Schmidt.

The interview:

Tech & Teach at KML – James Carlovsky, Curriculum Director at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, shares details about the upcoming teacher in-service day planned for June 3. The cost is $30 and additional details are posted on the event web site.

Tech tips:

Picks of the week:

Music recommendation:

Watch the archived WELS National Handbell Festival concert on MLC Streams. Music starts around the 13:30 time stamp.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 340 – Tune in as Martin and Sallie square off on their favorite web browsers, browser extensions and apps. Plus we’ll catch up on the great community feedback we missed on today’s show. (Broadcast date – 05/06/14)

Get involved: