425 – The Best of 2015

WELSTech ushers out 2015 with a look back at the best of the best from all throughout the year. From contests to ministry resources to interviews, from episodes to picks to recording the 400th episode in front of a live audience at WELSTech Conference, there’s abundant WELSTech goodness to relive!

The discussion:

Looking back – Martin and Sallie share favorite memories of WELSTech from 2015.

2015cubes 145x125Favorite events

New and notable WELS tech-in-ministry
  • We’re writing a book! WithAllYourHeart.tech
  • We’ve dedicated one episode per month to Community Feedback
Favorite episodes
Favorite interviews
Picks of the year

Featured videos:

This week we’ve add a new video to the WELSTech Music playlist on YouTube. We hope you enjoy A Son, Emmanuel by Koine featuring stop motion sand art by Jason Jaspersen.


Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 426 – Martin and Sallie kick off 2016 with a celebration of the 8th anniversary of WELSTech and a discussion of virtual reality with Google Cardboard. Release date: Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

Get involved:

424 – Have A Very Social Christmas

Celebrate Christmas week with WELSTech’s special interview of Pastor Paul Prange, WELS Administrator for Ministerial Education. Martin and Sallie share their final picks of the week for 2015 plus special videos from President Schroeder and the College Choir from Martin Luther College.

The interview:

Get on their channel – Martin sits down with WELS Administrator for Ministerial Education, Paul Prange, to talk about using online media channels to let your light shine. He shares his unique insight on helping teens use tech to the glory of God and the advantages of tuning into the best communication channels (from telephone to e-mail to Facebook) to reach out to others. Pastor Prange also has some great advice about being salt and light in what you do online.

WELS now:

Christmas message from WELS President Schroeder

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

My Son , My Savior

Featured video:

New to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo is this recording of the Martin Luther College’s College Choir singing Star in the East.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 425 – Martin and Sallie close out the year of podcasting with a look back at the best of 2015. Release date: Wednesday, December 30.

Get involved:

423 – You Can’t Forget Bob Ross!

WELSTech wraps up 2015’s community feedback with a lengthy list of notable sites, mobile apps and videos covering all types of ministry applications. There are special tech deals, news of a new STEM classroom, and church history resources shared as well. Let’s make some happy little clouds in our world!

The discussion:

Bob RossSpotlight the community – As we often say on WELSTech, we learn and grow our use of technology in ministry when listeners share their first-hand experience “with the class.” This episode is dedicated to just that as we share recent community feedback we’ve received from across our many WELSTech channels. And there’s a happy little waterfall happening over here!

News in tech:

WELS now:

Take the December WELSTech Photo Challenge! We’re looking for photos of Advent, Christmas and John 1:9. Submit your entries at welstech.wels.net/photochallenge, and don’t forget to browse our public domain image album at bit.ly/wtchallengealbumIn life you need colors!

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Featured video:

Enjoy the Advent music of WELS artist Mike Westendorf as he sings In the Waiting – Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel from the WELSTech Music YouTube Playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 424 – Tune in for our special Christmas week interview with Pastor Paul Prange, Administrator of WELS Ministerial Education. Trees get lonely too, so we’ll give him a little friend! Release date: Wednesday, December 23

Get involved:

422 – With All Your Heart: Ch 4

On WELSTech this week we explore methods for effective meetings in chapter 4 of With All Your Heart, the WELSTech book on project management. Pastor Rob Guenther, a.k.a. the Faster Pastor, is on hand to explain how to have more productive meetings in less time (and leave time for fellowship afterwards). Plus Martin has another book recommendation for all types of leaders.

The discussion:

Meetings – Martin and Sallie return to this season’s book discussion, chapter 4 of With All Your Heart, the WELSTech DIY book on project management for churches, Christian schools and other faith-based organizations. Listen for ways to engage meeting participants in healthy conflict as well as practical tips and tools for offering encouragement and creating agendas.

The interview:

Pastor Rob GuentherThe Faster Pastor – Pastor Rob Guenther from Grace in Kenai, AK talks with Martin and Sallie about his new web site focusing on productivity for pastors, www.thefasterpastor.com. He shares methods he’s used in his congregation to increase efficiency in congregation committee meetings while allowing more time to discuss the things that matter.

News in tech:

WELS now:

  • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 13
  • Interactive Faith Bible Study

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

10 Reasons Video Should Be On Your Radar in 2016

Featured video:

New to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo is this recording of the MLC Combined Choirs singing O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 423 – Martin and Sallie share the last community feedback of 2015! Release date: Wednesday, December 16.

Get involved:

421 – Windows 10

This week’s WELSTech discussion topic is the Windows 10 operating system, and Martin and Sallie demo some of the new features of the software. There’s lots happening in WELS, a link to free Christmas worship media and a Facebook page focusing on the life of Katie Luther (and Martin too).

The discussion:

Windows 10Should I upgrade to Windows 10? – Take a tour of the newest version of Microsoft Windows with Martin and Sallie and learn about some nifty new features included in this version of the software.

News in tech:

Notify by Facebook for iOS – There’s a lot to like

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Katie Luther – Public Figure Facebook Page

Featured video:

Enjoy a recording by Koiné – O Little Town of Bethlehem from the  WELSTech Music YouTube Playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 422 – Martin and Sallie will be back with chapter 4 of With All Your Heart, WELSTech’s own project management book, focusing on tips and methods for efficient meetings, and Pastor Rob Guenther, a.k.a. the Faster Pastor, stops by for a visit! Release date: Wednesday, December 9

Get involved:

420 – BYO Popcorn

Thanksgiving week on WELSTech brings lots of video blessings (enjoy some popcorn while you watch) plus a great conversation with Gail Potratz on the life of a school/church tech director. We introduce a new book which helps us focus on our many reasons to be thankful, and we enjoy a taste of heaven with a special version of Jerusalem The Golden.

A special tribute:

We celebrate the life and legacy of Pastor David Witte, the voice of WELS Through My Bible series, who recently passed away.

The discussion:

BYO popcornA Day in the Life of a Tech Director – Gail Potratz from Emanuel in New London, WI joins Sallie to discuss the wide variety of responsibilities which a school and church technology director covers including planning, purchasing, maintaining, documenting and providing professional development for staff on the wide variety of tech software, hardware and infrastructure (while pursuing personal professional development to learn about all of these responsibilities).

News in tech:

Meet The New Google+

WELS now:

364 Days of Thanksgiving by Pastor Andrew Schroer

  • 364daysofthanksgiving.com
  • Recently published book from Northwestern Publishing House
  • Facebook

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

A Man Named Martin – Part 1: The Man video series  – Study Resources and Martin Luther Booklet

Featured video:

This week we’ve added another video from the WELS Hymnal Committee to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo. Enjoy a special setting of Jerusalem the Golden, recorded at the 2014 WELS National Worship Conference, one of the 50 favorite hymns identified in their recent survey. Learn more.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 421 – Martin and Sallie take a walk through the new Windows 10 operating system. Release date: Wednesday, December 2

Get involved:

419 – Looking Both Ways

This week’s WELSTech episode features a community discussion on video conferencing in church and school settings plus feedback on everything from sketchnoting to closed captioning. Learn about spiritual support for military members and families, live streaming from your mobile device, ProjectFi, Advent by Candlelight resources and more!

The discussion:

Look Both WaysVideo conferencing & more – Martin and Sallie open up the community feedback mailbag and share a variety of topics at the intersection of ministry and technology.

News in tech:

iPad ProReviewsmore reviews

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Advent by Candlelight resources from WELS Women’s Ministry

Featured video:

Learn a Google Slides hack to change your slides into a free-form desktop publishing alternative. Find this video and lost more on the WELSTech Presentation/Teaching YouTube Playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 420 – Learn about “A Day in the Life of a Tech Director” from WELSTech’s own semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, Gail Potratz. Release date: Wednesday, November 24

Get involved:

418 – With All Your Heart: Ch 3

This week on WELSTech we roll up our sleeves and start project planning as we discuss the latest chapter of With All Your Heart, the WELSTech book on project management. Pastor Caleb Bassett gives us insight into the work of the WELS Hymnal Project, and we share a resource for reaching out to new residents of your community.

The interview:

calebBassett145x125Hymnal Project Planning – Pastor Caleb Bassett from St. Stephen in Fallbrook, CA serves as the chairman of the WELS Hymnal Project Technology Committee. He recently talked with Martin and Sallie about the tech tools adopted to support the work of the large, geo-graphically diverse committee membership.

The discussion:

Project Planning – This week Martin and Sallie discuss chapter 3 of With All Your Heart, the WELSTech book on project management for churches, Christian schools and other faith-based organizations. We examine a great Biblical example of project planning from the book of Nehemiah and share tips and tools for starting a project with that example in mind.

News in tech:

OneDrive Storage Plans Change

WELS now:

WELS Worship Helps

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

New Mover Church PostcardsSample from Grace, Kenai, AK

Featured video:

Long time WELSTech listener and contributor Perry Lund pointed us to our latest addition to the WELSTech Presentation/Teaching Playlist, Office 365 Admin Updates. Check out more on the Microsoft Mechanics YouTube Channel.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 419 – Tune in for a show full of all your great community feedback! Join us Tuesday, November 17 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

417 – Flipping

You’ll flip over this week’s WELSTech topic – creating video for flipped instruction in the traditional classroom as well as any setting learning takes place. Sallie shares what she learned from her new friend, The Copyright Coach, and Martin demos an impressive follow-me tool for recording classroom instruction. Plus we take a tour of the Bible.com site.

The discussion:

FlippedThe technology behind flipping learning – Martin shares his recent Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference presentation about flipping instruction with tips on software for creating videos on your computer, tablet or Chromebook plus hardware recommendations on microphones and other devices.

News in tech:

Google gets back into podcast distribution with Google Play Music Podcasts

WELS now:

Luther Preparatory School celebrates their 150th Anniversary with a special service featuring choirs for all four synod schools – Sunday, November 15 @ 3:00 pm Central

  • Watch the live stream of the service
  • Visit LPS150
  • Read about LPS history in the 3-part Forward in Christ featured series, ” Lives prepared for service” – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Bible.comMobile apps

Featured video:

This week’s we’ve added a new video to the WELSTech Presentation/Teaching YouTube Playlist featuring Pastor Kevin Hundley’s (Bethany, Kenosha, WI) WELSTech Conference IGNITE presentation about On Demand Virtual Confirmation Instruction (slide deck).

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 418 – Tune in for a discussion of project planning as Martin and Sallie share chapter 3 of WELSTech’s DIY book discussion project, With All Your Heart: Project Management for Churches, Christian Schools & Other Faith-Based Organizations. Join us Tuesday, November 10 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

416 – Classroom Management

On WELSTech this week we tackle classroom management from all angles – using technology, monitoring technology, and even good, old-fashioned teacher awareness tips. The discussion features our very own edtech guru, Jason Schmidt, who always delivers some lively conversation. Martin and Jason share their smartphone choices, and there’s a brand-new WELSTech Photo Challenge for November!

The discussion:

Classroom2Eyes & 2Feet – Jason Schmidt from Bennington Public Schools is back for his 5th season of guest hosting on WELSTech, and, as usual, he’s brought his own sunshine along for the classroom management discussion. Listen for tech and non-tech ideas for effectively overseeing today’s “digital native” students.

News in tech:

YouTube launching ad-free $10-a-month subscription service

WELS now:

Be part of the WELSTech Photo Challenge – Already 241 royalty-free photos strong!

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Visit the Time of Grace blog

Featured video:

Celebrate Reformation with Koine’s A Mighty Fortress is Our God, the newest addition to the WELSTech Music YouTube Playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 417 – Fresh from presenting at the Wisconsin State Teachers’ Conference, Martin shares tips for building the technology behind flipped learning. Join us Tuesday, November 3 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved: