Tag Archive for: image editing

433 – Feedback and Skinny Snowmen

On WELSTech this week the community is front and center as we share feedback and explore new tech finds that can have a positive impact on church, school and personal ministry. Tech news includes a controversial customer letter from Apple, and this week’s picks leads to an “official” name for a new design element from Google.

The discussion:

skinnySnowman2 145x125From all the channels – Martin and Sallie share tips and tricks from the WELSTech audience via all our social channels. From printing the moon to church websites to digital media, there’s WELSTech goodness of all flavors represented!

News in tech:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

On My Heart Lutheran Memory Work Program

Featured video:

New to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo is a promotional video tour of Divine Savior Lutheran Academy in Doral, FL.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 434 – Gail Potratz is in the {virtual} house for what promises to be a lively discussion of the edtech horizon. Don’t miss it! Release date: Wednesday, March 2

Get involved:

407 – Nothing Boring About Your Photos

This week on WELSTech we tackle the topic of graphic design with a variety of online and mobile tools for creating professional imagery, infographics and slide shows to communicate a message. Martin tries to Sway viewers to a new way of presenting, and we hear from a WELSTech Hall-of-Fame member with a free eBook to share.

The discussion:

imagineThat145x125Graphic Design – Martin and Sallie help you take your images to the next level with a variety of easy and often-times free image editing tools in this 4th installment of the Imagine That summer series.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 408 – Next week we wrap up the summer Imagine That series with a discussion of image storage and organization. Join us Tuesday, September 1 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

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406 – Monkeying Around With Your Photos

This week on WELSTech the all-things-imagery series, Imagine That, focuses on image editing techniques using cloud-based and mobile tools. And the image discussion doesn’t stop there as Sallie and Martin both share image related picks of the week. There’s also a full mailbag of listener comments.

The discussion:

Monkey GrinBig Monkey Grins – In installment 3 of WELSTech’s summer series, Imagine That, Martin and Sallie share image editing basics including image resolution, color codes, cloud and mobile image editors and browser plugins to make image editing easier.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 407 – Tune in and take your images to the next level with the graphic design techniques shared in next week’s Imagine That installment. Join us Tuesday, August 25 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

245 – Summer Software Showcase: PicMonkey

This week the WELSTech Podcast showcase software is online image editor, PicMonkey.

The discussion:

Online image editing – This week our Summer Software Showcase focus is PicMonkey, the easy, intuitive and fun image editor and flexible collage maker in the cloud.  Martin and Sallie share big old monkey grins as they contemplate the possibilities for ministry.

Ministry Uses

  1. Web site images
  2. Newsletters
  3. Presentations
  4. Pictorial directories
  5. Brochures and promotional material

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(29:24) Episode 246 – The Summer Software Showcase fun continues next week (Same bat time … Same bat channel!) as Martin and Sallie discuss the ministry uses of BatchGeo. (Release date – 07/25/12)

The featured artist:

(29:51)  We close the podcast with the music of Michael Schroeder (www.michaelschroeder.com and on Facebook) – John 3:16 

Get involved:

234 – Smile

This week on the WELSTech Podcast we countdown the 7 best photo organizing and editing tools.

The discussion:

Take my picture! – The 7 Best series is back and this month Martin and Sallie share their top picks for working with photos.

Photo Organizing and Editing Tools

  1. Aviary -Phoenix image editor and Raven vector editor
  2. Picasa
  3. Instagram
  4. Irfanview
  5. Flickr
  6. GIMP – Tutorials
  7. PicMonkey

Kudos to the WELSTech community for lots more great recommendations:

Coming up in June … 7 Best Bookmarking Tools and Tips

News in tech:

(24:44) Google Drive is live

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

  • (34:37) FinalWeb training – This summer we’re offering online training on web site creation and maintenance using the FinalWeb system.   And, for the first time, we’ll be using Google Hangouts!
  • Check out the newly updated FinalWeb video tutorials

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(44:25) Episode 235 – Martin and Sallie conclude their discussion of the online e-book How to Transform Your Small Business With Social Media, looking at Chapter 5 to the end. (Release date – 05/09/12)

The featured artist:

(45:38) We close the podcast with the music of Cross to Glory – One Name from their CD titled “Life’s Song

Get involved:

196 – WELS Hacker: Re-sizing and Re-broadcasting

This week on the WELSTech Podcast the topics include batch photo re-sizing for the web and live video from the iPad.

The discussion:

Hacking away – The summer WELS Hacker series continues as Martin shares tips on batch re-sizing of images and Sallie shares her mobile broadcasting breakthrough.


Of interest:

  • WELSTech Flip Mino HD(14:55) WELSTech turns 200 – On September 7th WELSTech will broadcast our 200th weekly episode, and we need your help to celebrate!  Lend your voice to the podcast by recording a voice mail about … your own tech in ministry experience, your favorite podcast episode or just general well-wishes for our 200th anniversary celebration … and you could win a custom WELSTech 4 GB Flip Mino HD video camera – approximate value $100!  Be sure to include your name and location in your recording so we can contact you if you are the winner.  Deadline for entry is Labor Day, September 5, 2011.  Call and leave a message today to enter at 405-FOR-WELS (405-367-9357).
  • Job Opening – There is an opening in the WELS Technology Office for a Technical Support Specialist.  Contact WELSTech for more details.

Community feedback:

The featured artist:

(33:33) We close the podcast with the music of Stephen Bautista (www.stephenbautistamusic.com or stephenbautista on Twitter) – Abandon from his CD titled “Abandon”

Get involved:

193 – WELS Hacker: Picniking with Flickr

This week the summer WELS Hacker series continues with tips for creative image display.

The discussion:

Images in the limelight – Today’s WELS Hacker posts are all about working with images as Martin and Sallie share tips for two Web 2.0 image-centric superstars.

Picniking with Flickr

Community feedback:

The featured artist:

(28:24) We close the podcast with the music of Crosswalk Lutheran Ministries (http://www.crosswalkphoenix.com/worship/music.aspx) – You Are My World

Get involved:

178 – April Showers: Webmaster Resources

This week on the WELSTech Podcast the “April Showers” series kick-off focuses on all aspects of web site creation.

WELSTech Webmaster Shower

The discussion:

Raining Resources for your Web Site – Across the 3.5 years of WELSTech archives you will find discussion of a plethora of webmaster tools.  Today Martin and Sallie share all you need to set up and maintain your church or school web site in one (long) list!  Enjoy the rain!!

Ministry resources:

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(48:22) FinalWeb Training in New Ulm, MN and Milwaukee, WI

  • FinalWeb for Teachers in New Ulm on June 27 and Milwaukee on August 1 – bit.ly/fw4teachers
  • FinalWeb for Dummies in New Ulm June 28-30 and Milwaukee August 2-4 – bit.ly/fw4dummies

Community feedback:

  • (49:10) On the LinkedIn In the WELS group discussion boards, the topic of video production was raised.   WELS video designers include
  • The WELSTech listserve had lots of chatter related to the legalities of using member and student photos on congregation and school web sites.  Check out the archived conversation on the WELSTech Wiki.  Thanks to Mike Plocher, Director of Technology, from St. Paul’s Lutheran School in New Ulm, MN for sharing their Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act document.
  • Following up on our Office 2010 podcast, Martin is researching further Microsoft pricing for the Office Suite.  Watch for updates at ShopWELS.net.

Coming up on WELSTech:

(55:30) Episode 179 – Get ready for an “April Shower” of Bible teaching resources.  (Release date – 04/13/11)

The featured artist:

(56:50) We close the podcast with the music of Dawn Michelle Williams (www.dawnmichellewilliams.com | TwitterFacebookMy Space) – Beautiful Savior from her CD titled ”Inspirations”

Get involved:

083 – BWTG: Web Image Editing

Creating the perfect image for your church or school web site is the subject of this mini WELSTech podcast.

The discussion:

Bonus WELSTech GoodnessWeb Image Editing – The current episode of “Bonus WELSTech Goodness” (BWTG) covers the basics of image editing using the free site Picnik.com.  Listen as Martin and Sallie discuss the ministry applications for great images and share video tutorials, help documents and links to get you started.

  • Web Image Editing on the WELSTech wiki – Get instructions and video tutorials on the basics of image editing
  • Check out the past WELSTech interview with photographer Lori Aschbrenner
  • iStockphoto.com – Purchase images for your web site

Get involved:

  • Add a comment below
  • Send us an e-mail [email protected]
  • Leave us a voice mail 414-375-2334
  • Add to the WELSTech wiki welstechwiki.wels.net
  • Contribute to the #WELSTech Twitter conversation
  • Follow us on Twitter – mspriggs and welstechtrainer
  • Use the del.icio.us tag welstech
  • Join the WELSTech community:
    • WELSTech listserve
    • WELSTech on facebook

Episode 014 – Apr 9 2008

This week Martin and Sallie explore all avenues of search including specialized Internet searches, search engine optimization, and turning your Internet searches into dollars for your church or school.

The discussion:

  • Search – We’ve dedicated this show to all things search. Listen as Martin and Sallie share tips on taking your search capabilities to the next level. We cover everything from searches for kids to searching for images, from search engine optimization tips to setting up automatic search notifications. Martin even throws in some lagniappe about one of his favorite authors along the way.

The interview:

  • GoodSearch.comGoodSearch – JJ Ramberg, co-founder of GoodSearch.com, joins Martin and Sallie to share information on the history of GoodSearch and how the service can benefit your charitable organization.

The tidbits:

The featured artist:

  • This week we close with the music of Mike Westendorf (www.mikewestendorf.com) – Cling from his Run Boy Run CD

Get involved: