302 – eBook Ch 8: RSS Feeds

On WELSTech this week we continue our summer eBook series with a discussion of adding great content from other sites to your church and school web site. Martin is on the other side of the world, broadcasting from Hong Kong yet again, but the magic of technology makes him seem right next door.

The discussion:

Really Simple Syndication – This week’s eBook chapter of Church & School Website Content spotlights the wealth of great content that can be easily and dynamically displayed on church and school sites using RSS technology. Spanning the globe and the calendar, Martin – from Hong Kong where he is anticipating a typhoon – and Sallie share links to lots of great sites with RSS feeds.

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(18:50) WELSTech Camp is coming up on September 14 at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. Register and attend the free event to be in the drawings for a Mimio Teach Bar ($800 value) and 16GB iPad ($500 value)!!

Community feedback:

  • (20:38) Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education
  • Planbook.com
  • Join the WELSTech listserve conversation – This week the discussion was about online catechism instruction

Coming up on WELSTech:

(27:15) Episode 303 – Newsletters and bulletins and supply list, oh my! Next week on WELSTech we look at the documents that should be available on your church and school website as we continue the summer Church and School Website Content eBook series. (Release date – 08/20/13)

The featured artist:

(27:55) This week we close WELSTech with the music of Cross To Glory (www.facebook.com/crosstoglory) – Rescued

Get involved:

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