Tag Archive for: productivity

191 – WELS Hacker: Managing Links and Tasks

This week on the WELSTech Podcast the summer WELS Hacker discussion covers Outlook Quick Steps to “get things done” and Diigo Lists.

The discussion:

Get organized! – This summer Martin Spriggs and Sallie Draper are wearing the “white WELS Hacker hat” and discussing personal tips, tricks and productivity boosters.  This week’s topics are

Outlook GTD and Diigo Lists

Community feedback:

The featured artist:

(37:40) We close the podcast with the music of Dawn Michelle Williams (www.dawnmichellewilliams.com | TwitterFacebookMy Space) – Nearer My God to Thee from her CD titled ”Inspirations”

Get involved:

180 – April Showers: Office Worker Resources

This week the WELSTech Podcast “April Shower” rains down all types of resources to make the church and school office run smoothly.

Our apologies for the audio quality during the last 10 minutes of today’s podcast.  We experienced technical difficulties with the recording.

Office Worker Resources

The discussion:

Raining resources for office workers – For this week’s “April Shower”, Martin and Sallie cover a long list of tools to assist the “nerve center” of the congregation and school, the office.

Ministry resources:

(35:55) Walther’s Law and Gospel is now available for Kindle

News in tech:

Contest winners:

(39:36) Concluding the Glo Bible giveaways on our personal blogs (martinspriggs.com and salliedraper.com), Martin and Sallie use random.org to pick winners.  Listen to find out if you are one of the newest Glo Bible owners.

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(47:41) FinalWeb Training in New Ulm, MN and Milwaukee, WI

  • FinalWeb for Teachers in New Ulm on June 27 and Milwaukee on August 1 – bit.ly/fw4teachers
  • FinalWeb for Dummies in New Ulm June 28-30 and Milwaukee August 2-4 – bit.ly/fw4dummies

Community feedback:

  • (48:11) A great list of links were shared via the WELSTech Diigo group:
  • WELSTech lives, but our redirects are misbehaving.  If you can’t reach WELSTech at our standard address – welstech.wels.net – find us at – blogs.wels.net/welstech.  We expect the redirect link will be working again very soon. Thanks for your patience!

Coming up on WELSTech:

(50:41) Episode 181 – The “April Showers” conclusion may turn into an April storm as Gail Potratz joins the discussion and we share a [gigantic] compilation list of teacher resources.  (Release date – 04/27/11)

The featured artist:

(51:30) We close the podcast with the music of  Branches Band (www.branchesband.com |Facebook) – Hosanna, Loud Hosanna from their “Sing, My Tongue” CD


Get involved:

162 – GTD Meets the Church Office

This week the WELSTech Podcast is all about Getting Things Done in the church and school office, and Staff Minister Jon Ruddat shares his productivity success story.

The discussion:

Office Productivity – Martin and Sallie share ideas for applying the personal Getting Things Done (GTD) productivity process to the church and school office using the 43 Folders technique and also ideas from Death by Meeting.

  • From the WELSTech Archives … The Art of Productivity

The interview:

Jon Ruddat(17:10) Star Student – Jon Ruddat, Staff Minister of Administration and Family Ministry at St. Matthew’s in Appleton, WI, was a past student in Martin’s Productivity Winterim session at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.  He shares the highlights of implementing the GTD system and some of his “Mind Like Water” moments.

Click image to view larger

Before & After GTD – Click image to view larger

Ministry resources:

News in Tech:

(40:35) Google Chrome Web Store and Pilot Chrome OS Netbooks

  • Watch the Disposable Computer video

Picks of the week:

  • (43:55) Picnik for easy, creative image editor – Sample collage and slideshow
  • Cyberduck FTP – Now available for Windows

Christmas 2010 WELSTech Scavenger Hunt:

(49:38) Week 5 of our latest WELSTech contest is here, and we’ve hidden our “QR Code of the Week” somewhere on the WELSTech site.  Listen each week through December 15th as we reveal clues for finding 5 QR Codes which will point you to a mystery message. Following the December 15th show you can enter the mystery message for a chance to win a $25 Cafe Press gift certificate, where your WELSTech merchandise dreams can come true!  The winner will be selected from all correct entries and announced on our special Christmas week podcast airing December 22nd.

  • This week’s clue to the code location is … The Art of Productivity
  • Get the previous clues: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
  • Remember, you can use your smartphone or an online decoder to decipher the message.  Have fun!

Solve the mystery message and enter the contest by 11:59 p.m. Monday, December 20, 2010 at


Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(1:07:50) Episode 163 – Christmas week arrives as we talk with Prof. Richard Gurgel about the WELS Continuing Education program, Grow in Grace, and we select our contest winner. (Release date 12/22/10)

The featured artist:

(1:08:55) We close the podcast with the music of Michael Schroeder (www.michaelschroeder.com and on Facebook) – The Reason for the Season from his CD also titled ”The Reason for the Season”

Get involved:

087 – BWTG: Emptying Your Inbox

This week on the BWTG “how-to” WELSTech podcast we share steps for implementing a productivity system to maintain an empty inbox.

The discussion:

Bonus WELSTech GoodnessEmptying Your Inbox – The topic for today’s BWTG (Bonus WELSTech Goodness) episode is one that affects everyone in the digital age, and while it is simply stated as “Emptying Your Inbox” it can be a complex and challenging task.  Listen as Martin shares tips from his Personal Productivity seminar on how to enhance communication, reduce stress and achieve “Mind Like Water” via an empty inbox.

  • Emptying Your Inbox on the WELSTech wiki

Get involved:

  • Add a comment below
  • Send us an e-mail [email protected]
  • Leave us a voice mail 414-375-2334
  • Add to the WELSTech wiki welstechwiki.wels.net
  • Contribute to the #WELSTech Twitter conversation
  • Follow us on Twitter – mspriggs and welstechtrainer
  • Use the del.icio.us tag welstech
  • Join the WELSTech community:
    • WELSTech listserve
    • WELSTech on facebook

054 – The Art of Productivity

This week on WELSTech Martin shares some productivity tips from his WLS Winterim session and Sallie talks with Missionary Mike Hartman and his wife Rachel about their use of technology in the Mexico mission field.

Christmas 2010 Scavenger Hunt:

Clue #5


Remember, you can use your smartphone or an online decoder to decipher the message. This is the final clue so you can enter the contest by supplying the mystery message!  Additional contest details available here. Have fun!

The discussion:

  • Mind Like Water: The Art of Productivity – This week Martin is teaching a productivity course as part of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Winterim schedule.  He recaps some of the information they are learning, and we hear from students in the class about why a productivity system is important.

The interview:

  • The HartmansTechnology in the mission field (18:36) –  Missionary Mike Hartman and his wife Rachel talk with Sallie about the mission work being done in Torreon, Mexico.  Rachel shares information about her Lutherans in Mexico blog and how she uses it to spread the news about the mission work with the world.
    • www.lutheransinmexico.com
    • missions.wels.net

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (28:18)
  • Of interest (35:42)
    • WELS marriage retreats – www.welsmarriageretreat.org
  • Community feedback (36:25)
    • Dan Smith of Holy Trinity in Des Moines, WA is using Google Calendar for his school but the print version isn’t formatted well for their newsletter.  Check out Sallie’s Picks of the Week in Episodes 026 & 027 for a solution.
    • John Shoosmith of Redeemer in Yakima, WA requested we share guidelines for NIV copyright on the WELSTech wiki, and we are happy to do so – “Copyright Guidelines for the NIV Bible”.
    • Linda Travis would like to display RSS feeds on her church web site.  Learn more at www.wels.net/jump/rss.
    • In response to a question from the webmaster at Good Shepherd in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Martin shares more details about the synod’s multi-camera set up, including some hardware and software recommendations for running multiple cameras.
    • By popular demand, we’ve added a page to the WELSTech wiki with tips for “Getting Started” building a church or school web site.
  • Coming up on WELSTech (43:47)
    • Episode 055 – We talk with John Shoosmith, a WELS member in Yakima, WA, about the process of creating closed-caption sermon videos for the deaf and hard of hearing

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS artist, WendySue Fluegge (www.wendysue.com) – The Instrument from her CD with the same title, The Instrument (45:18)

Get involved:

Episode 028 – Jul 16 2008

Following up on WELSTech Episode 027, Martin and Sallie discuss systems for implementing Getting Things Done(GTD) productivity principles and wrap up their interview with Prof. David Sellnow on the hybrid classroom.

The discussion:

  • ProductivityTime Management Systems – Martin and Sallie continue their discussion of the productivity principles outlined in David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (listen to Part 1) and explore options for the “trusted system” or tool to store and organize your task list.
    • GTD systems
    • Additional GTD resources
      • Lifehacker.com blog
      • Precision Change podcast – Recent interviews with David Allen
        • Episode 8 – Getting Things Done 201, with David Allen
        • Episode 9 – David Allen Can Make Time Disappear
        • Episode 10 – David Allen Asks, What Are You Here To Do?

The interview:

  • The Hybrid Classroom (17:44) – Today Martin and Sallie conclude their interview with Prof. David Sellnow of Martin Luther College (listen to Part 1).  Prof. Sellnow shares ideas and cautions for getting started with blended courses and also looks into the future at where our synod may go with online education offerings.

The tidbits:

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS artist, Kevin Loersch – O Sacred Head Now Wounded from his CD titled Abide With Me (39:50)

Get involved:

Episode 027 – Jul 9 2008

This week Martin and Sallie discuss the Getting Things Done organization system for improving personal productivity.  They also interview Prof. David Sellnow about blending traditional and online education.

The discussion:

The interview:

  • Prof. David SellnowThe Hybrid Classroom (28:05) – In the first of a two-part interview, Prof. David Sellnow of Martin Luther College joins Martin and Sallie to share insight into the benefits of blending traditional classroom activities with online activities.  Prof. Sellnow has successfully blended his course offerings at MLC and suggests that similar blending could accentuate courses at the high school and even elementary school levels.

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (43:36)
  • WELS.net feature (53:23)
    • Explore the Bible – www.whataboutjesus-explorethebible.com
  • Of interest (55:03)
    • Leadership Conference video archive on Streams
  • Community feedback – Mass e-mail recommendations via the WELSTech listserve (56:27)
    • Michael Plocher from St. Paul’s in New Ulm recommends server-based PHP List – www.phplist.com
    • Cindy Krueger from Shepherd of the Hills in Lansing, MI maintains two Yahoo groups, one for members and one for prospects
    • Sue Fager uses Mail Loop on the job – www.marketingtips.com/mailloop
    • Jason Petoskey uses the FinalWeb group e-mail address feature
    • Joshua Schoeneck from Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson, WI uses another server-based solution called LISTSERV (free & lite versions available)

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS artist, WendySue Fluegge (www.wendysue.com) – Time from her CD titled Everyday Christian (1:00:45)

Get involved: