Episode 028 – Jul 16 2008
Following up on WELSTech Episode 027, Martin and Sallie discuss systems for implementing Getting Things Done(GTD) productivity principles and wrap up their interview with Prof. David Sellnow on the hybrid classroom.
Podcast: Download (30.7MB)
The discussion:
Time Management Systems – Martin and Sallie continue their discussion of the productivity principles outlined in David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (listen to Part 1) and explore options for the “trusted system” or tool to store and organize your task list.
- GTD systems
- Thinking Rock
- MonkeyGTD
- Remember the Milk
- David Ornstein’s Blog – Getting Things Done using Outlook 2007
- iGTD for Mac
- 43 Folders
- Additional GTD resources
- Lifehacker.com blog
- Precision Change podcast – Recent interviews with David Allen
- Episode 8 – Getting Things Done 201, with David Allen
- Episode 9 – David Allen Can Make Time Disappear
- Episode 10 – David Allen Asks, What Are You Here To Do?
- GTD systems
The interview:
- The Hybrid Classroom (17:44) – Today Martin and Sallie conclude their interview with Prof. David Sellnow of Martin Luther College (listen to Part 1). Prof. Sellnow shares ideas and cautions for getting started with blended courses and also looks into the future at where our synod may go with online education offerings.
The tidbits:
- Picks of the week (31:00)
- Microsoft Online Training – office.microsoft.com/en-us/training
- GOOG-411 – www.google.com/goog411
- WELS.net feature (35:55)
- WELS Links – www.wels.net/jump/links
- Of interest (37:19)
- National Educational Computing Conference video archive
The featured artist:
- We close with music of WELS artist, Kevin Loersch – O Sacred Head Now Wounded from his CD titled Abide With Me (39:50)
Get involved:
- Add a comment below
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Voice mail: 414-375-2334
- del.icio.us tag: welstech
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Hi John,
Thanks for your feedback on the show. It is always appreciated!
I agree that finding podcast “bumper” music that is both free and royalty-free can be a challenge. One site that I have used for all types of sound effects and bumpers is http://www.soundsnap.com. Check out the “music loops” for over 14,000 musical shorts in a variety of genres.
Hope that is helpful!
You guys sure have a clean lookin’ page!
I was wondering if you know of a source of “pre-canned” music that we can use in introductions to our podcasts or other media applications without having to worry about copywrite issues as well? I saw a couple of creative commons sites on the internet – one had sound samples, another had music – but I wasn’t satisfied with the kinds of music that would work well in church applications. For our podcast introductions, I’m thinking of “stealing” a bit from a pirated Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary CD, but even that might be a little bit in the wrong.
Thanks again!…your show has been very helpful.
John Shoosmith
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Yakima WA (WELS of course )
For implementing GTD you might try out this new web-based application:
You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
A mobile version and iCal are available too.
Hope you like it.