140 – WELSTech Road Trip: Birmingham, AL

This week the WELSTech Podcast Road Trip heads south to talk with Pastor Ben Kratz in Birmingham, AL about distance Bible classes with Skype.

The Draper boys check out a high tech vending machine in the Minneapolis airport.

The Draper boys check out a high tech vending machine in the Minneapolis airport.

Road trip:

roadtrip02c(5:02) Distance Bible Class – Martin chats with Pastor Ben Kratz from Our Savior in Birmingham, AL about his use of Skype for distance Bible class.

Pastor Ben Kratz

Birmingham AL
The WELSTech Road Trip Tracker

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(30:32) Episode 141 – Fond du Lac, WI is the destination of next week’s virtual road trip.  We’ll talk with teacher Ryan Rosenthal about Web 2.0 in the classroom. (Release date 07/21/10)

The featured artist:

(31:15) We close the podcast with the instrumental music of In His Service (www.adagioconcepts.com) – O God, Forsake Me Not from their CD titled “In His Time”

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