100 – WELSTech Celebrates the Century Mark

This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie commemorate their 100th podcast with tech-in-ministry success stories from the listeners.

The discussion:

WELSTech and YOU! – The 100th WELSTech podcast anniversary is dedicated to the success stories WELSTech listeners have experienced using technology in their personal and public ministry.  Join Martin and Sallie as they share stories of audio and video editing, social networking, personal time management, Bible study, RSS reading, blogging, and more.

Coming up on WELSTech:

(39:50) Pastor Aaron Frey shares the latest news from Logos (Release date 10/14/09)

The featured artist:

(41:18) We close with music of WELS praise band Koine (www.koinemusic.com) – Jerusalem the Golden from their CD titled “Koine II”

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