Tag Archive for: email

Everything is a nail

742 – Everything Is A Nail

What’s that? WELSTech goes “anti-tech” this episode? Say it isn’t so!! But it is somewhat true, and for a very good reason. Corralling church tech use can lead to more tech adoption and more satisfied members when tech is done well verses overdone. Seeing straight is another challenge tackled, with a little help from AI. Plus, there’s more. Turn it up!

Everything is a nailThe discussion

Too much tech?? – Martin and Sallie discuss a recent article from Church Leader, Is Your Technology Use Hurting Your Church? Right-sizing technology use in the church and taking the slow road to tech adoption can help ensure success as well as curtail the potential of leaving some people out of the communication. It’s also very important to bake training & support into any tech initiative.

Ministry resources

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Community feedback & events

Next time

Jason and Rachel are back and the edtech topic is budgeting and procurement, SAMR-style!

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662 – From LEGOs to Email

WELSTech is back with LEGO news and a wrap up of the book discussion of A World Without Email. Martin shares a free tool for creating diagrams and flowcharts, and the community mail bag includes the ability to ride along with a raindrop. Did we mention LEGOs?

The discussion

Every techie loves LEGOs, so it’s appropriate we offer huge WELSTech congrats to Caleb and Jacob Schilling, WELS members recently featured on Season 2 of LEGO Masters.

Protocols & Specialization – Martin and Sallie conclude the discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport with practical suggestions for improving workflow and moving away from the hyperactive hive mind way of working.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

A new season of WELSTech kicks off, loaded with all kinds of WELSTech goodness, of course! We welcome guest hosts Rachel Feld and Jason Schmidt as well as Paul Patterson from the Lutheran Schools Office who will preview the upcoming WELS Education Conference 2022. All that, and we’re adding video to the show too!

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661 – Adding Value to Information

This week on WELSTech, we resume the book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport with chapters 4 & 5, all about knowledge work processes. Martin shares his first blog post in a “Getting Into Vlogging” series, and Sallie has news about free Bible verse motion video content for church screens.

Ford assembly line, 1913 – via Wikipedia

The discussion

WELSTech is adding a blog. Subscribe today to receive updates!

Manage the Workflow – Martin and Sallie share thoughts on chapters 4 & 5 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport, which begins to explore improved options for knowledge workers to offset the hyperactive hive mind.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion concludes with a discussion of chapters 6 & 7 and the conclusion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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660 – Is Email Making Us Miserable?

The WELSTech book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport continues this week with chapters 2 & 3. Martin is excited about a new bookmark manager that ends a multi-year search for a suitable tool. And Sallie is off in space maintaining the stations.

The discussion

A Mind of Its Own – Martin and Sallie dive into chapters 2 & 3 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport, which look at the genesis of email and similar technologies and how tech can take on its own, unexpected usage and consequences.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion continues as we look at chapters 4 & 5 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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Book - A World without E-mail - welstech

659 – Are You Checking Your Email Again?

After a bit of a hiatus, WELSTech is back, and we’re kicking off a book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport. Google goodness, more reading, and tech-in-ministry practical solutions for network management and video editing round out the rest of the show.

Book - A World without E-mail - welstechThe discussion

Martin and Sallie start a new book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport. Pastor Peter Hagen shared the book idea after listening to an author interview on episode 403 of the Carey Nieuwhof podcast. Today we cover the Introduction and Chapter 1, and we learn about the “Hyperactive Hive Mind.”

Picks of the week

  • Google Goodness
    • Learn to use Google’s Applied Digital Skills in your curriculum in upcoming professional development training
    • 16-Day Organize Your Google Drive YouTube playlist
    • Digital Binder for Technology
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion continues as we look at chapters 2 & 3 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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545 – Awesome Apps: Communication

The WELSTech April series called “Awesome Apps” continues as Martin and Sallie share some of their favorite smart device communication tools for texting, emailing, video conferencing and more. Sallie has to figure out how to say the name of her new car but in the process found a great car buying app, and Martin, tuning in from a conference in Salt Lake City, found the benefits of handwriting notes…digitally.

The interview:

Care giving tech – Dan Stelljes is the Product Development Lead for First Layer Health, a software development company owned by WELS members which focuses on making social and healthcare communication easier for older people. He shares details of their newest product, TheirCare, which delivers video calls, messages, and more to certain internet-connected televisions. One of the uses of the tool is for church shut-in ministry. Contact Dan if you’d like to pilot a program in your congregation.

The discussion:

Communication apps – Reaching out to touch someone via a plain old phone call, is so yesterday. Martin and Sallie discuss their favorite smartphone apps for many forms of communication.

News in tech:

Google shutters it’s goo.gl URL shortening service

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Check out Faithlife’s new Ministry Team magazine

Community feedback:

The Ultimate Guide for Using Trello at Home

Featured video:

What made us laugh in Star Trek IV (circa 1986) is turning into our reality in 2018 – voice controlled devices. Enjoy this throwback to Mr.Scott (a.k.a. The Miracle Worker) communicating with a computer.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 546 – Prof. Rachel Feld co-hosts, and the discussion centers around awesome apps for the classroom. Release date: Wednesday, April 25.

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539 – Back to the Basics: Email

WELSTech is going “back to the basics” in March and tackling old technology that is still very relevant today. Email is one of those oldies but goodies. You might be surprised what email can do for you today. Tune in for that plus a BIG announcement about next summer’s EdTechLead Summit and how you can earn a free night at Kalahari Resort!

The discussion:

Email for the win – Email has been around since we began using the Internet (way back when!), and despite the multitude of communication methods available today, email is still the right tool for the job in many instances. Brush up on your knowledge of email as Martin and Sallie share their preferences and reference resources for administrators.

News in tech:

WELS now:

  • Calling all presenters!! Submit your ideas for a session at #EdTechLead19, WELS Education, Technology, and Leadership Summit, happening June 25-27 at Kalahari Resort in WI Dells – welsedtechlead.com/call-for-presenters
  • Registration is open for WELS International Youth Rally 2018

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

National Day of Unplugging – March 10

Community feedback:

Lesley Bergemann reports that teachers at Good Shepherds in West Allis, WI are using FastDirect for parent communication, but that doesn’t mean they can leave their classroom web pages empty.

Featured video:

Check out the full complement of Drafts screencasts, including this Overview.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 540 – Martin and Sallie talk the basics of document management with Drew Willems from Lakeside Lutheran High School. Release date: Wednesday, March 14.

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