072 – e-Me’s and Virtual Integrity
This week on the WELSTech podcast Internet security expert and author Dan Lohrmann joins Martin and Sallie to share ideas on avoiding the pitfalls of integrity theft.
Podcast: Download (29.4MB)
The interview and discussion:
Habits of Online Integrity – Dan Lohrmann, author of Virtual Integrity: Faithfully Navigating the Brave New Web, shares his knowledge of the traps that exist which lead Christians to sacrifice their online integrity as well as practical solutions to combat the temptations. One option which Dan explores in his book is the use of accountability software. Martin and Sallie share information on several programs as well as ministry applications for the software tools.
- VirtualIntegrityBook.com
- Wikipedia on Accountability Software
- Past WELSTech interview with Christian Counselor Paul Mavrogeorge – Episode 10 & Episode 11
New Technology Showcase:
- (37:45) WolframAlpha.com
Picks of the week:
- (45:00) 180TechTips.com
- Free virtualization software – Sun VirtualBox
Of interest:
- (49:25) Tune in to live streaming of Seminary Call Service, Ascension Concert and Graduation
- Check the schedule and watch the events at streams.wels.net/site/live
Community feedback:
- (50:15) Listener Jeremy Johnson left a comment on our last show notes page with lots of thoughts on the topics discussed and a Wikipedia alternative, www.conservapedia.com
- Jason Schmidt from Gethsemane in Omaha, NE “tweeted” several great links:
- Drop.io adds web presentations – present.io
- iTALC is an open source software alternative for computer lab management
- Link to a specific spot in a YouTube video
- Online Bible baseball
- Vicar Michael Johnson from St. Andrew in Waunekee, WI sent us an invite to their new facebook page
- David Savatski from WELS Missions and member of Living Word in Waukesha, WI left a voicemail regarding his congregation’s use of the Evangelism Toolbox DVD and his personal review of Windows 7 Release Candidate
Coming up on WELSTech:
(1:01:08) Episode 073 – Gail Potratz lends her classroom perspective to our discussion of educational video channels, and we talk with a representative from Learn360.com.
The featured artist:
(1:02:14) This week we close with the music of WELS praise band Koine (www.koinemusic.com) – Christ is our Cornerstone from their CD titled “Koine II”
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