Tag Archive for: storage

408 – Your Mission: Find That Photo!

WELSTech has reached summer’s end and the the end of the Imagine That series. This week’s final series discussion covers best practices for organizing and storing your images. Listen for picks and community feedback plus a quick survey on project management in your church and school.

The discussion:

Imagine ThatDon’t Lose Your Photos – This episode marks the last installment of the Imagine That summer series as Martin and Sallie share their personal practices for image storage and organization as well as lots of tools to help you get the important job done.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 409 – A new season of WELSTech gets underway, and Martin and Sallie introduce the new WELSTech book selection, “Project Management For Churches and Schools” by … Martin and Sallie! Help shape the book contents by completing the WELSTech Project Management survey, and tune in for what promises to be an interesting season of writing and reading!  Join us Tuesday, September 8 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

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180 – April Showers: Office Worker Resources

This week the WELSTech Podcast “April Shower” rains down all types of resources to make the church and school office run smoothly.

Our apologies for the audio quality during the last 10 minutes of today’s podcast.  We experienced technical difficulties with the recording.

Office Worker Resources

The discussion:

Raining resources for office workers – For this week’s “April Shower”, Martin and Sallie cover a long list of tools to assist the “nerve center” of the congregation and school, the office.

Ministry resources:

(35:55) Walther’s Law and Gospel is now available for Kindle

News in tech:

Contest winners:

(39:36) Concluding the Glo Bible giveaways on our personal blogs (martinspriggs.com and salliedraper.com), Martin and Sallie use random.org to pick winners.  Listen to find out if you are one of the newest Glo Bible owners.

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(47:41) FinalWeb Training in New Ulm, MN and Milwaukee, WI

  • FinalWeb for Teachers in New Ulm on June 27 and Milwaukee on August 1 – bit.ly/fw4teachers
  • FinalWeb for Dummies in New Ulm June 28-30 and Milwaukee August 2-4 – bit.ly/fw4dummies

Community feedback:

  • (48:11) A great list of links were shared via the WELSTech Diigo group:
  • WELSTech lives, but our redirects are misbehaving.  If you can’t reach WELSTech at our standard address – welstech.wels.net – find us at – blogs.wels.net/welstech.  We expect the redirect link will be working again very soon. Thanks for your patience!

Coming up on WELSTech:

(50:41) Episode 181 – The “April Showers” conclusion may turn into an April storm as Gail Potratz joins the discussion and we share a [gigantic] compilation list of teacher resources.  (Release date – 04/27/11)

The featured artist:

(51:30) We close the podcast with the music of  Branches Band (www.branchesband.com |Facebook) – Hosanna, Loud Hosanna from their “Sing, My Tongue” CD


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167 – Files, Files, and more Files!

On this episode of the WELSTech Podcast we explore many alternatives for file sharing in the church and school office.

The discussion:

NetworkManaging files in the Digital Age – Gone are the days of working solo on our pen and paper projects at the office. Now we want and need to be able to access our digital files from remote locations and easily share files with others for collaboration.  Martin and Sallie detail a variety of solutions for file sharing.

News in tech:

(16:23) iPhone coming to Verizon

Picks of the week:

  • (18:25) National Geographic Wallpapers for your Windows 7 (or any) desktop
  • Pogoplug

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(36:50) Episode 168 – Gail Potratz joins the conversation and shares an interview she recorded with Barry Britt from Soundzabound.com. (Release date 01/26/11)

The featured artist:

(37:15) We close the podcast with the music of  Branches Band (www.branchesband.com |Facebook) – Jerusalem the Golden from their “Light Eternal” CD

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Episode 037 – Sep 17 2008

This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie soar into the cloud of web-based computing applications and discuss the exciting, affordable possibilities for church office needs.

The discussion:

  • Slide Rocket presentationChurch Office Computing in the Cloud – Martin recently attended the Office 2.0 Conference, and he shares with us his vision of “cloud” or web-based applications for the church office.  You may follow along via Martin’s online “Church Office 2.0” SlideRocket presentation as you listen to the podcast discussion.

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (36:24)
  • WELS.net feature (42:27)
    • Committee on Relief blog – relief.wels.net
  • Of interest (44:11)
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Symposium on Church
  • Community feedback (45:19)
    • Jason Winget’s congregation uses QuickBooks software for financial management, and he is looking for procedures for conducting a church accounting system audit.  Check out his WELSTech listserve post.

The featured artist:

  • This week we close with the music of In His Service featuring WELS musicians Dr. Patricia Backhaus and Valerie Floeter (www.adagioconcepts.com) – O God, Your Hand the Heaven’s Made from their In His Time CD (47:10)

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