055 – Reaching Out with CC
This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie talk with John Shoosmith about the technology behind producing closed-captioned sermons and the outreach opportunities they provide.
Podcast: Download (25.7MB)
The discussion:
- Tips for Productive Writing – Martin shares an article he used in his Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Winterim productivity course, particularly focusing on tips that may assist with sermon writing.
- Writing in the Age of Distractions by Cory Doctorow
The interview:
Closed-Captioning (11:11) – Martin and Sallie talk with John Shoosmith, lay member from our WELS congregation, Redeemer, in Yakima, WA and a frequent WELSTech contributor. John is somewhat of a pioneer in terms of using technology to reach out via the Web with gospel ministry resources for the deaf and hard of hearing. Listen as John explains how he got started in the world of closed-captioning and the popularity Redeemer’s closed-captioned sermon videos have attained on the web.
- Learn more about closed-captioning on the WELSTech wiki
- Check out WELSTech Episode 029 for more ideas on ministering to those with disabilities
- Watch Redeemer’s latest closed caption video
The tidbits:
- Picks of the week (34:13)
- Ultimate list of free software from Microsoft
- GTDInbox for GMail – www.gtdgmail.com
- WELS.net feature (38:38)
- Together newsletter – together.wels.net
- Community feedback (39:54)
- David Savatski from WELS World Missions Promotionsasked about recording Skype conversations and Martin shares the process we use for recording the WELSTech podcast.
- Cindy Krueger from Shepherd of the Hillsin Lansing MI shared some information about a Mac version TechSmith’s Camtasia Studio in development
- Brian Kom wondered if Martin’s Productivity presentations (Episode 054) were available in PowerPoint format to share with his church council
- Alyssa Dunning from WELS Web Services shared two impressive Web 2.0 applications
- www.ScreenToaster.com – Free online screen recording
- www.TripIt.com – Online travel planner
- Brent Nemmers from Atonement in Plano, TX shared a link to oCulture.com online language training resources.
- John Shoosmith of Redeemerin Yakima, WA asked about nailing down statistics on podcasts.
- Coming up on WELSTech (51.18)
- Episode 056 – Gail Potratz, our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, joins us for a day of discussing all things SMARTBoard
The featured artist:
- We close with music of WELS artist, Kevin Loersch – Mary Did You Know from his CD titled O Holy Night (52:11)
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