Tag Archive for: organization

WELSTech 716: All The Hats

716 – All The Hats

Welcome to WELSTech in 2024! We kick off the new year with a discussion of the challenges around coordinating our many digital personas for work, home, church, and more. NPH has a new book discussion group, Martin has a new-found appreciation of Goodnotes, and we share have a great cheat sheet to get you started with online form creation.

WELSTech 716: All The HatsThe discussion

Staying atop your digital life – From work, home, and church to volunteer responsibilities and extended family, our digital lives overflow with email, tasks, and calendar events. Martin and Sallie discuss their tech solutions for managing and shifting between the varied roles they play.

Ministry resources

Picks of the week

Community feedback & events

Next time

Our edtech gurus, Rachel and Jason, are back to discuss AI prompts from chapters 6 & 7 of The AI Classroom.

Get involved

408 – Your Mission: Find That Photo!

WELSTech has reached summer’s end and the the end of the Imagine That series. This week’s final series discussion covers best practices for organizing and storing your images. Listen for picks and community feedback plus a quick survey on project management in your church and school.

The discussion:

Imagine ThatDon’t Lose Your Photos – This episode marks the last installment of the Imagine That summer series as Martin and Sallie share their personal practices for image storage and organization as well as lots of tools to help you get the important job done.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 409 – A new season of WELSTech gets underway, and Martin and Sallie introduce the new WELSTech book selection, “Project Management For Churches and Schools” by … Martin and Sallie! Help shape the book contents by completing the WELSTech Project Management survey, and tune in for what promises to be an interesting season of writing and reading!  Join us Tuesday, September 8 at 4 pm Central. welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

188 – WELS Hacker: Photos and RSS

This week the WELSTech Podcast summer WELS Hacker series continues as we look at a simple way to organize digital photos and helpful tips for Google Reader.

The discussion:

White Hats for Vacation – Continuing the summer WELS Hacker series while squeezing in vacation time, Martin and Sallie are back with more helpful tips (and learning from each other in the process).  This weeks topics are

WELS Hacker

Community feedback:

  • (19:20) Links shared in the WELSTech Diigo group:
    • Browse web site ancient history via the Wayback Machine on archive.org
    • Check out this list of 75 apps to enhance your facebook page
  • It’s time to revisit dotSUB.com and consider how their captioned and translated video niche can benefit your ministry efforts.  Check out their latest newsletter and iOS app.

The featured artist:

(24:05) We close the podcast with the instrumental music of In His Service (www.adagioconcepts.com) – Jesus Lover of My Soul from their CD titled “In His Time”

Get involved:

111 – Tech Talk with a District President

This week the WELSTech podcast airs a special Christmas interview with Pastor Jon Buchholz, District President of the Arizona California District.

The interview:

Pastor Jon BuchholzThe Big Two – Arizona California District President, Pastor Jon Buchholz from Emmanuel in Tempe, AZ joins Martin and Sallie to share his insights into the opportunities and pitfalls of social media, and the big two uses of technology in a congregation setting.

Coming up on WELSTech:

(20:19) Episode 112 – Martin and Sallie take a look back at their best and worst picks of 2009. (Release date 12/30/09)

The featured artist:

(22:03) This week we close with the music of Koine (www.koinemusic.com) – Joy to the World from their brand new Christmas CD “Anno Domini”

Get involved:

  • Add a comment below
  • Send us an e-mail [email protected]
  • Leave us a voice mail 405-FOR-WELS (405-367-9357)
  • Add to the WELSTech wiki welstechwiki.wels.net
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  • Follow us on Twitter – mspriggs and welstechtrainer
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    • WELSTech listserve
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