Episode 019 – May 14 2008

This week the discussion topic and interview center around the fairly recent availability and use of video conferencing tools to further ministry efforts.

The discussion:

  • Video Conferencing (4:15) – Martin and Sallie explore video conferencing, an emerging and flatening technology which allows congregations, schools and missionaries to connect across sometimes great distances for real-time, virtual face-to-face conversations, meetings, Bible classes and more. And it can be done for FREE!

The interview:

  • Dan NommensenDistance Video Counseling (18:00)- Martin and Sallie are joined by Dan Nommensen, Program Operations Director for Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Services (WLCFS), to discuss their use of video assisted counseling, a part of the Member Assistance Program.

The tidbits:

  • This week’s picks (33:45)
  • WELS.net feature (40:09)
    • World Mission Blogs – missions.wels.net
  • Of interest (43:00)
    • Upcoming live events – MLC & WLS graduation and call services
    • District Conventions – www.wels.net/jump/diconventions
    • Report to the Twelve Districts – www.wels.net/jump/rttd
  • Community feedback (44:45)
    • Kyle Riess – Sound quality and show ideas
    • Cindy Krueger – New show notification
      1. Subscribe to our RSS feed

The featured artist:

  • This week we close with the music of WendySue Fluegge (www.wendysue.com) – Teach Me from her CD titled The Instrument (47:25)

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1 reply
  1. jduran
    jduran says:

    I listened in on Episode 19. Thanks for all your kind words regarding the Mission site design. I’d like to extend kudos as well to Alyssa Dunning for translating that design into code. She did a really great job and thought she should be recognized for her efforts. I totally agree too that Nicole Kruschel has put in a tremendous amount of effort into making the World Mission site and blog a great place to visit. Good work ladies and thanks for your dedication in serving Him.


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