522 – Pa33w0rds!
A new month of WELSTech brings a new topic…this one both timely and critical…security! How safe is your data? Who knows your password? How about your social security number? What can you do to protect yourself and your organization? We’ll talk passwords, encryption, private networks, and everything else security to help you figure out how best to protect all your stuff and yourself!
Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:27 — 53.5MB)
The discussion:
Let me in – Martin and Sallie discuss all things password – from managing passwords to two-factor-authentication to strong passwords and phrases. It’s the most important topic we all dread!
News in tech:
- Mobile YouTube Live
- High school video gamers in Connecticut recognized as athletes
WELS now:
The current Interactive Faith online Bible Study, Luther’s Lasting Impact, led by Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Prof. Joel Otto, will wrap up on November 8 at 6 pm and 8 pm (central).
Picks of the week:
- Todobook Chrome plugin
- Smartphone payment options
Ministry resources:
Community feedback:
- Insert images more easily in Gsuite apps
- Great questions and comments on the Gospel Outreach With Media presentation, WELSTech’s Gospel Outreach Discoveries
- Martin tweeted his Google Locker experience
Featured video:
Read PC Magazine’s recently updated Best Password Managers of 2017 article and watch the embedded “How Your Password Was Stolen” video, fully of geeky goodness, Lego-style.
Following up on last week’s video selection, visit the CELC’s page on 95 Theses for the 21st Century for text versions of the statements.
Coming up on WELSTech:
Episode 523 – The security discussion turns to networks, virtual private networks (VPNs), and tunnels with WELS Technology team members Dan Rebers and Rob Benson. Release date: Wednesday, November 15.
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