Free Stock Photography from WELSTech
The WELSTech Challenge Album is a collection of 1,000+ royalty-free, high-resolution photos which were donated by WELSTech listeners for use in ministry. The album is hosted on Flickr and searchable using the term welstechphotochallenge coupled with other specific search terms. The album includes images representing all parts of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Confirmation and more), school, outreach, food, and seasons of the year.
These images are helpful to any congregation, school or individual who wants to share the love of Jesus with the world using any means of communication! With the rise of visual communication, the images can be used for all types of print and web communication including web sites, e-mail, social media, bulletins, newsletters, school projects and more.
Related resources
Looking for more quality stock photography for your ministry project? Check out these free options:
Watch this video for a quick overview of the WELSTech Challenge Album.