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286 – Learning To Look Back

On this edition of WELSTech, we take a look back at some tech achievements in the 2012-13 school year, and we learn about a new resource web site for Lutheran teachers and administrators. Listen for a special discount on the upcoming Google Education Summit and a recap of the recent crowd-writing event sponsored by the Christ In Media Institute.

The discussion:

Year End Assessment – Gail Potratz, one of our semi-regular classroom technology correspondents from Emanuel in New London, WI shares highlights of the 2012-13 school year in terms of tech accomplishments. It’s no surprise that she has good things to say about her Google Apps and Chromebooks pilot program that was implemented this year. She also shares a flipped classroom method using the Explain everything iPad app which she says has become the standard production method in her school.

  • Google Education Summit will take place June 16-21 at Wisconsin Lutheran College
    • Use promo code “WELSTech” and receive a $200 discount on your registration!

The interview:

(23:39) Lutheran Schools Resources – Director of Lutheran Schools, Greg Schmill, and teacher Matt Groth from St. Paul’s in Saginaw, MI debut the recently redesigned Lutheran Schools web site which is loaded with great resources to address all types of teacher and administrator needs. The site also supports the ability for users to share files with others, so look for the site to grow as more WELS teachers begin to use it and share their own resources.

  • Help us spread the word by sharing the link – connect.wels.net/lutheranschools

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(52:47) Christ In Media Institute (CIMI) sponsored a crowd-writing event on April 29 to kick off the Bethany Lutheran College Media Week events. WELSTech friend, Jas Lonnquist, moderated the discussion. The Christian sci-fi premise was released in advance of the event and the discussion continues on the CIMI forums. You can still be part of the development of a future TV or Web broadcast.

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(1:01:22) Episode 287 – Confirmation season is upon us so our WELSTech discussion turns to keeping teens connected to God’s Word, including ways technology can help. Staff minister Brandon Steenbock joins Martin and Sallie to share his experience. (Release date – 05/07/13)

The featured artist:

(1:02:10) We close the podcast with the music of Stephen Bautista (www.stephenbautistamusic.com or stephenbautista on Twitter) – Flowers Are Dancing

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