Tag Archive for: social media

471 – 200 Pixels

We’ve arrived at another community feedback week on WELSTech, and the sites and resources shared are functional, friendly, free, and favorable for furtherance of ministry. :-D Sallie’s coding Minecraft sheep to produce diamonds, Martin’s scanning historic photos with his smart phone, and WELS has a new youth ministry resource worth checking out. Listen & learn!

The discussion:

Tab-palooza – Sallie’s loaded up a whopping 27 tabs of WELSTech goodness for this week’s WELSTech community feedback discussion. From G Suite tricks and updates to ministry tech ideas for the upcoming Advent and Christmas season to a tool for creating virtual reality scenes, there’s something for everyone!

News in tech:

WhatsApp Video Calling

WELS now:

Forward in Christ archive

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

New Youth Ministry Resource Available – Order from NPH

Featured video:

Learn more about the Transformed program for Youth Ministry by watching Pastor Jon Enter’s 2016 Youth Rally Transformed Workshop, the newest addition on the WELSTech “Likes” list on Vimeo.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 472 – We’re giving thanks WELSTech-style as we talk with Pastor Andrew Schroer, author of 364 Days of Thanksgiving. Release date: Wednesday, November 23.

Get involved:

467 – The Joy of Community Feedback

Welcome back to WELSTech. This week we share your community feedback covering technology plans, social network tips, and church year calendars. Throw in a 3D printed WELS Logo plus a large dose of doctrine joy, and there is something for everyone. Join the conversation!

The discussion:

3D printing meets ministry – Martin and Sallie open real and virtual mail bags to share listener’s helpful resources and ideas for using tech in public and personal ministry.

News in tech:

The Table Project is ending December 31, 2016. Possible alternatives:

WELS now:

Check out Martin’s Digital Christianship presentation, part of the Gospel Outreach with Media Fall 2016 online conference which runs through October 31.

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Essay files at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – Doctrine joy!

Featured video:

The newest addition on the WELSTech “Likes” list on Vimeo, features our very own Martin Spriggs in a Together technology video update.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 468 – Jason Schmidt is back in the guest host chair, with a healthy dose of sunshine in tow, as we dive into the latest Horizon Report for K-12 educational technology. Release date: Wednesday, September 28.

Get involved:

462 – Social Media for Ministry: Instagram

Get ready to go social as WELSTech begins a season-long focus on social media for ministry. This month we look at the Why, What, Who and How of Instagram. There’s news from Apple and Code.org, plus a bluetooth speaker winner and even more Instagram greatness to close out the show. Don’t wait … watch or listen now!

The discussion:

Visual communication – New this podcasting season is a monthly series titled Social Media for Ministry. The fist platform Martin and Sallie take a deep dive into is the popular image-sharing app Instagram. View the full-size Instagram for Ministry infographic and follow the links below for more details.

News in tech:

Apple’s newest products, most available starting September 16:

WELS now:

“What does this mean? The continuing importance of Luther’s Small Catechism” is the title of the upcoming Interactive Faith series led by Rev. John Braun. Tune in on Wednesdays at 6 or 8 pm Central beginning September 21.

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Request the Social Media Quick Guide: Instagram from Church Tech Today’s eBooks page.

Featured video:

Check out Instagram’s videos on Vimeo including this week’s featured video, Introducing Instagram Stories.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 463 – Next week the WELSTech listeners rule the roost as we share community feedback for the month. Release date: Wednesday, September 21.

Get involved:

445 – Something For Everyone

WELSTech has something for everyone on this community feedback episode. Topics include social media strategy, mobile photography, Google Apps for Education, church bulletins and more! Martin and Sallie also share the latest news from TechSmith and Google, helpful tips on Excel and the Chrome browser and worship/bulletin artwork from WELS artists.

The discussion:

BuffetThe listeners speak – Martin and Sallie share recent WELSTech community feedback.

News in tech:

WELS now:

Women’s Ministry Conference – July 21-23 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Featured video:

Learn more about the upcoming Women’s Ministry Conference in this Together video update, saved on the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 446 – Jason Schmidt joins Martin and Sallie for the last edtech discussion of the school year focusing on outdoor and rainy day tech for schools (and beyond). Release date: Wednesday, May 25

Get involved:

433 – Feedback and Skinny Snowmen

On WELSTech this week the community is front and center as we share feedback and explore new tech finds that can have a positive impact on church, school and personal ministry. Tech news includes a controversial customer letter from Apple, and this week’s picks leads to an “official” name for a new design element from Google.

The discussion:

skinnySnowman2 145x125From all the channels – Martin and Sallie share tips and tricks from the WELSTech audience via all our social channels. From printing the moon to church websites to digital media, there’s WELSTech goodness of all flavors represented!

News in tech:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

On My Heart Lutheran Memory Work Program

Featured video:

New to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo is a promotional video tour of Divine Savior Lutheran Academy in Doral, FL.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 434 – Gail Potratz is in the {virtual} house for what promises to be a lively discussion of the edtech horizon. Don’t miss it! Release date: Wednesday, March 2

Get involved:

424 – Have A Very Social Christmas

Celebrate Christmas week with WELSTech’s special interview of Pastor Paul Prange, WELS Administrator for Ministerial Education. Martin and Sallie share their final picks of the week for 2015 plus special videos from President Schroeder and the College Choir from Martin Luther College.

The interview:

Get on their channel – Martin sits down with WELS Administrator for Ministerial Education, Paul Prange, to talk about using online media channels to let your light shine. He shares his unique insight on helping teens use tech to the glory of God and the advantages of tuning into the best communication channels (from telephone to e-mail to Facebook) to reach out to others. Pastor Prange also has some great advice about being salt and light in what you do online.

WELS now:

Christmas message from WELS President Schroeder

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

My Son , My Savior

Featured video:

New to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo is this recording of the Martin Luther College’s College Choir singing Star in the East.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 425 – Martin and Sallie close out the year of podcasting with a look back at the best of 2015. Release date: Wednesday, December 30.

Get involved:

398 – Hootsuite

Martin flies solo but brings with him one of his favorite social networking tools – Hootsuite. If you have anything to do with your organizations social media activities, you might find this tool invaluable! And wouldn’t you know, in Sallie’s absence, there is more than just a little Community Feedback Martin struggles through…even a Pinterest post.

The discussion:hootsuite145x125

Make your social network manageable – You know that your organizations social network activities you be better. If only you had more time, a better strategy, or compelling content. This “monologue” provides excellent tips for content and network usage, as well as a walkthrough of Hootsuite — one of the best ways to schedule your social media posts, plus much more.

News in tech:

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

  • Slack – Team Messaging That Works!

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

  • Check back next week

Featured video:

New this week on the WELSTech Product Demos YouTube playlist is Ben Hommerding’s recent Review of the Chromebook Pixel. One WELSTech Conference attendee will walk away with one of these!

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 399 – Take a walk down WELSTech Lane with Martin and Sallie as we look back at at retro shows and look ahead to the big 400. Watch and participate on 06/30/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

392 – Care and Feeding

This week’s WELStech is quite a zoo as Martin shares digital outreach tips, there’s a BORAM on the loose, and the Education on Air archive is available. Tune in for all of this plus a milestone birthday for one of the zoo keepers!

The interview & discussion:

Another day at the zoo10 Tips for Cross-Cultural Digital Outreach – Martin is just back from Boise, ID where he assisted a congregation considering digital outreach strategies, particularly in their Vietnamese mission efforts. He boils down the efforts to 10 useful tips for anyone doing online outreach, locally and globally.

  1. Identify digital content
  2. Pick one priority at a time
  3. Can you do more or do things differently?
  4. Provide digital resources to members (friendship evangelism)
  5. Capture and share stories
  6. Provide digital resources to members for deeper study
  7. Develop a social media strategy
  8. Understand what websites are and aren’t
  9. Develop an engagement strategy
  10. Use a prospect management database

WELS now:

Picks of the week:

It’s Google Chrome plug-in week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Google’s Education on Air is archived. A few recommendations:

Featured videos:

The newest addition to the WELSTech Music playlist on YouTube is Koine’s Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 393 -Pastor Emile Burgess from Trinity, Caldonia, WI, a presenter at WELSTech Conference 2015, joins us as we discuss church office apps. Watch and participate on 05/19/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

The last word:

We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI

  • Register by June 1
  • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • Logos Pre-Conference Workshop registration

Get involved:

391 – Día de MLC

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo WELSTech-style as we share details of the Martin Luther College “social” event of the year. The community feedback mailbag is full of intrigue, and listeners have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Throw in our picks of the week and a ministry resource, or two, and we’ve got the makings of a great podcast!

The interview & discussion:

MLC DayPray, Share, Give – Martin Luther College Vice President for Mission Advancement Mike Otterstatter visits the podcast studio to chat about the use of social media ambassadors to share the events of the first ever MLC Day.

News in tech:

WELS now:

  • We hope you’ll attend WELSTech Conference 2015, July 9 – 11 in Waukesha, WI
    • Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
    • Logos Pre-Conference Workshop registration
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming graduation and call day events:
    • Martin Luther College – May 15 & 16
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – May 19-22

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Ministry resources:

Featured videos:

Keeping the MLC Day theme going, we’ve added to the WELSTech “Like’s” list on Vimeo  – Listen as MLC’s College Choir performs God So Loved the World in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 392 – How can technology assist with cross cultural ministry efforts? Martin shares notes from his recent trip to Boise, ID. Watch and participate on 05/12/15 @ 4 pm Central – welstechlive.wels.net

Get involved:

371 – What Is My Purpose?

Two great topics are featured on today’s WELSTech – productivity and social media. Consider how the Gospel influences your personal mission statement, and learn how to engage social media “influencers” in your congregation and school as online ambassadors.

The discussion:

Design – The WELSTech book discussion topic this month is Part 3 of What’s Best Next by Matt Perman. Martin and Sallie roll up their sleeves and write mission, vision and goal statements as well as evaluate the various roles they perform.

The interview:

justinware145x125Going Viral – Justin Ware, Director of Interactive Communication at BWFSocial, shares ideas with Martin and Sallie about church and school use of social media channels, including the use of volunteers for an online ambassador program to share communication with wider circles.

Ministry resources:

31 Christmas Fellowship Ideas from Women’s Ministry Toolbox

News in tech:

Translate text into a different language as you type – Translate Keyboard Pro for iOS

Tips & picks of the week:

WELS insider:

Streaming Christmas Concerts

  • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – Sunday, December 14 @ 3:00 pm Central
  • Luther Prep School – Sunday, December 14 @ 3:00 pm and Thursday, December 18 @ 10 am Central

Need to know:

  • Registration is open for FinalWeb online training, coming up January 21-23, 2015. bit.ly/fw4d2015
  • Visit the WELSTech Conference 2015 site to sign up for conference announcements via e-mail

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 372 – Join Martin and Sallie for the great smartphone home screen reveal. (Broadcast date – 12/16/14)

Featured videos:

This week we’ve added a new video to our Music playlist on YouTube – Wonder 2014 Preview by Dawn Michelle Williams – Join Dawn live this Sunday, December 14 at 4:00 & 7:00 pm at the Duran Arts Council, PSI Theatre in Durham, NC – Learn more at Dawn’s website


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