Tag Archive for: social media

579 – Christmas Communication

WELSTech is back and loaded with Christmas joy for sharing with the world. Tune in for ideas and content to post on your website and via social media. Details on texting the good news are the focus of this week’s interview. Plus, the video of the week has a story of tech-in-ministry opening amazing doors around the world.

The discussion:

‘Tis the season to share the good news – Martin and Sallie discuss ways to let your online light shine during the Christmas season.

Ministry resource:

5 Best Practices For Using Invite Cards At Your Church

News in tech:

Microsoft to Replace Edge Web Browser

The interview:

Communicate via text – Randy Brice, a member of Immanuel in Manitowoc, WI and owner of All Access Ads, talks with Martin and Sallie about how his congregation is using affordable, secure text messaging (priced at 2 cents per text) to share their message. Visit the All Access Ads web site for additional details and to reach Randy.

WELS now:

C18 Resources from Congregational Services

  • Worship Guest Follow-up: A Vital Part of Outreach
  • Christmas invitation video & instructions for Facebook post and advertising – Select the Download tab

Picks of the week:

  • Weekday chapel service live streams
    • Martin Luther College – 10:30 am | 7:15 pm | 10 pm Monday
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – 9:20 am
  • Puffin Web Browser

Community feedback:

Featured video:

Sparked by “community feedback” from Pastor Rob Guenther, watch the St. John, New Ulm, MN sermon from December 2 where WELS Director of Ministerial Education Pastor Paul Prange shared a mission story with a tech twist during his sermon. The sermon starts at about 23 minutes and the tech part starts at about 30 minutes.

Learn more about this amazing opportunity God has provided to build a training center in Vietnam

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 580 – We talk with Teacher Perry Lund about his Microsoft OneNote/Teams presentation at next summer’s WELS Education, Technology, and Leadership Summit.  Release date: Wednesday, December 19.

Get involved:

574 – Harnessing Technology

Martin leads the WELSTech discussion this week with a look the Christian’s two-sided use of technology. Image-centric picks of the week are made just in time, the WELSTech Community has been a busy place, and Apple is stepping up to raise awareness about screen time.

The discussion:

Harnessing the Power of Technology … Before it Harnesses You – Martin shares highlights of his recent presentation at the Men of His Word event in Rochester, MN.

WELS now:

Interactive Faith Online Bible Study

  • To the Ends of the Earth: Beginning in Your Backyard – Led by Pastor Eric Roecker
  • November 7, 14 & 28 – 6 & 8 pm Central

Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done by Matt Perman

Community feedback:

Featured video:

With Version 12 of the iOS operating system, Apple introduced Screen Time for tracking (and limiting, if desired) your mobile device usage. Learn more in How to start using Screen Time from Apple Support.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 575 – Jon Ruddat joins us to preview his WELS EdTechLead Summit presentation titled “How to use MailChimp to Send Automated Encouraging Emails.”  Release date: Wednesday, November 14.

Get involved:

547 – MLC Day!

Celebrate MLC Day with WELSTech! Martin and Sallie talk with creatives from Martin Luther College who are using social channels and multi-media to spark this special day. Straighten up, enhance your productivity with the picks of the week, and use OneNote to design a digital Escape Room. Tune in for this plus news, feedback, and events!

The interview & discussion:

Martin Luther College Director of Public Relations Bill Pekrul and Videographer Jon Witte give Martin and Sallie behind-the-scenes details of the activities planned for MLC Day on May 2, 2018. There’s a new MLC YouTube channel plus a brand new jiggle written by the talented interviewees. Check out the online media kit for lots of ways you can celebrate MLC!

News in tech:

Google Redesigns Gmail – Here’s a List of Amazing New Features

WELS now:

  • Mark your calendars for upcoming graduation events
    • Martin Luther College
      • May 11 – Commencement Concerts at 4 & 7:30 pm
      • May 12 – Graduation at 10 am & Call Service at 2 pm
    • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
      • May 24 – Call Service at 10 am & Commencement Concert at 7 pm
      • May 25 – Graduation at 10 am
  • WELS Education, Technology & Leadership Summit call for presenters closes May 31
    • We want YOU to submit a speaking topic!

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Create a Digital Escape Room with OneNote [YouTube playlist]

Community feedback:

Featured video:

Enjoy the MLC Day Jingle.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 548 – Seminary senior Bill Schubert shares insights from his senior theses into ministering to Generation Z. Release date: Wednesday, May 9.

Get involved:

537 – Training Techies: Social Media Ambassadors

February, designated as “training techies” month on WELSTech, continues as Martin and Sallie discuss training social media ambassadors. See how those folks can provide great channels for the message of the gospel to reach people your church can’t. We also received some excellent first-hand feedback on the Livestream MEVO camera.

The discussion:

Click image to view larger

Image courtesy of Alyssa Bream https://alyssabream.com/free-resources/ Click image to view larger

Social training – Martin and Sallie discuss ideas for coaching members of your church to expand the reach of church social media communication by liking, sharing, and commenting on posts.

News in tech:

Samsung unveils world’s largest SSD with whopping 30TB of storage

WELS now:

Register for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) 2018 Convention happening June 21-24 in Green Bay, WI. Early bird registration savings ends April 1.

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Learn more about Summer continuing education classes offered at Martin Luther College and get registered!

Community feedback:

Featured video:

Tune in to the latest Together Video Update to learn about WELS Home Missions from Pastor Jared Oldenburg and Nicole Balza.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 538 – MLC Professor Rachel Feld joins the conversation about training techies to manage your church and school website. Release date: Wednesday, February 28.

Get involved:

Ripl – A Marketing Team in Your Pocket

5 Ways To Let Your Light Shine Online

The appeal of social media in the 21st century is undeniable. The various platforms for sharing, from Facebook to Instagram to WeChat to Pinterest to {insert your favorite here}, offer connection to those we care about, and a channel for self-publication. But do we consciously consider how our social media use fits with our Christian walk?

I recently read the new Churchm.ag eBook The Social Christian. It served as a good reminder of why we do everything we do in this world – to share the Gospel message of the redemptive work of Jesus with everyone. With the reach of social media, many doors are now open to us which didn’t exist a decade ago. Rather than hide the saving Gospel, we can share it via social media in all we do and say.

As you consider how best to use social media, consider these five guidelines for how and what you share:

  1. Be in the Word – If only we had an instruction book for letting our light shine in the digital world. But wait … we do! God’s holy, inerrant Word found on the pages of the Bible is our all-encompassing instruction book. If we struggle with what to say or whether to say anything on social media, we can find the answer in prayerful study of his Word. With the Word nurtured in our hearts, our words and actions – both face-to-face and online – will reflect the joy of salvation we have received freely from Jesus Christ. Consider the amount of time you spend in the Word compared to using social media. Would your postings have a different flavor (perhaps including more “salt” ~ Colossians 4:6) if those times were reversed?

    “Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
    ~ Colossians 3:16-17 CSB

  2. Decrease self/Increase God – Often I consider whether my posts on social media are narcissistic or self-absorbed or vain. It’s an easy trap to fall into when my own personal pedestal awaits on my favorite social media platform. Look what I did … Look how adorable my kids are … Look at how lovely my home is …To avoid that trap, consider that most people predominantly post the “highs” of their life on social media. Do we normally see posts about their failures, the times they have to discipline their children, their messy house? Those aren’t the norm. I’ve found it best to just be real. And reality for me is I’m a sinner who needs a savior. My normal is definitely not pedestal worthy. Instead I can elevate Christ alone in the good and bad of my normal life. He is my sure hope in times of sorrow and of blessing.

    “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
    ~ 1 Peter 3:15 NIV

  3. Lift up others – Make it your mission to share your joy in Jesus with your social media contacts. Where there is sorrow, share compassion and strength. Pray for those in need. Share a special verse or song (like the I Will Rise video shared below) that offers comfort. Let them know you care and, more importantly, that your savior Jesus cares.

    “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
    ~ Ephesians 4:2

  4. Share wisely – Perhaps you enjoy sharing things via social media. This tip is here to encourage you to be careful of what you share. Many links today can lead others who may not have faith or whose faith isn’t deeply rooted to explore associated content that isn’t God-pleasing. Satan would like nothing better than to use a Christian to lead someone away from salvation.

    “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
    ~ 1 Peter 5:8 NIV

  5. Give God the glory – I’ll say it again … In all things (including social media posts) give God glory!  One of my favorite ways to do this is through the popular practice of hashtaging posts. Oddly, this running together of words to convey what you are thinking has added another creative layer to our communication. Everyone enjoys coming up with and reading clever hashtags. When I close my post with what I’ve termed #hashtags4Him, I have turned not only my eyes and heart toward Jesus, but also those who read my posts. #salvationthroughJesusiswhatmattersmost

    “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
    ~ 1 Peter 1:3 NIV

Martin Luther College – I Will Rise.

See All Ministry Resources

496 – Social Media Superstars

On WELSTech this season we’ve been exploring the use of social media in ministry. Today’s episode wraps up that series with a look at great examples of church and school accounts on each of the major social media platforms. We also talk with Pastor James Aderman regarding the WELS Intersections Facebook group, and Martin gives us a tour of the new WELS Locator tool which is integrated into the WELS Online Yearbook.

The discussion:

Watch and learn – Capping off a season-long focus on Social Media for Ministry, Martin and Sallie identify standout churches and schools who are making excellent use of social media channels. View the Social Media Superstars infographic.

The interview:

Up close with a social media superstar – Meet Retired Pastor James Aderman, the man behind WELS Intersections, a Facebook group which had its start at WELSTech Conference 2015. Almost 2 years later, the group is a great resource for topics at the intersection of technology and ministry.

Countdown to episode 500:

Revisit year 6 (2013) of WELSTech, episodes 269 to 322. This was the year of the “unconference,” and 100+ attended WELSTech Camp, our very own unconference event. Relive the great moments of 2013 with our Best of 2013 episode.

News in tech:

Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

New WELS Locator Joins Yearbook

Featured video:

MLC Day 2017 is history, but the fun and excitement lives on in this MLC Day Lipdub 2017 video, the newest addition to the WELSTech Likes List on Vimeo.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 497 – We shine the spotlight on WELSTech listeners as we share the latest community feedback! Release date: Wednesday, May 17.

Get involved:

492 – Social Media Ambassadors

This week on WELSTech we offer tips to engage members in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ via social media. Sallie has some gear recommendations while Martin demonstrates the new Google Team Drives for shared file ownership. You’ll learn about the busiest year in WELSTech history as well as get insider info on a ShopWELS bargain available in April. Plus, there’s a bit of Koine for your Holy Week reflection.

The discussion:

“Equipping the saints” for social ministry – Social Media has been “mainstream” for the general public for years now, but some churches are still trying to use them effectively. One key to successful communications through these popular networks is the use of “ambassadors” – those who can take the message of the church/school and spread it through their wider networks. View the Social Media Ambassadors for Ministry infographic.

Countdown to episode 500:

Revisit year 2 (2009) of WELSTech, episodes 53 to 112. Highlights include our first summer series, Bonus WELSTech Goodness, a young Jason Schmidt, and “shock jock” Sallie’s surprising worst-of-the-year pick.

News in tech:

WELS now:


Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

17 Tips For Staying Productive

Featured video:

For your Holy Week reflection, enjoy Koine’s version of He Stood Before the Court, a new addition to the WELSTech Music playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 493 – Community feedback is back, and you won’t want to miss the ultimate in pen, paper, and microwave geekery which was shared! Release date: Wednesday, April 19.

Get involved:

488 – From Pork to Palms

Pictures have always been a part of ministry. Throw in digital images AND social media and you have powerful tools to share the gospel. Join WELSTech this week for our continuing series on Social Media in Ministry with a look a two popular photo sharing sites: Flickr and Google Photos. As a bonus, you’ll also hear about upcoming WELS events, Martin’s new “macro” macro lens and help writing God’s Word on your heart.

The discussion:

Flickr and Google Photos for ministry – Perhaps not at the top of most social media list, Martin and Sallie explore the use of photo and video hosting sites, Flickr and Google Photos, in the church and school setting. View the Flickr and Google Photos for Ministry infographic.

WELS now:

  • Registration is underway for the 2017 National Worship Conference, happening June 13-16 at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI
  • Get your tickets to the 2017 WELS Night at Miller Park – August 10

Picks of the week:

Ministry resource:

On My Heart – A Lutheran Memory Work Program

Featured video:

Check out Google Photos Tutorial 2016, a new addition to the WELSTech Product Demo playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 489 – Tune in for tech-in-ministry goodness of the people, by the people and for the people … on WELSTech community feedback week! Release date: Wednesday, March 22.

Get involved:

Bible Keyboard

More and more communication is happening from our mobile devices – text, e-mail and social media posts. The YouVersion Bible app team recently added features which allow iOS users to easily incorporate God’s Word in their mobile communication via a new Bible Keyboard.


The Bible Keyboard takes advantage of Apple’s third-party keyboards function which is built into iOS version 8 and higher. iPhone and iPad users may activate the keyboard in Settings. With the Bible Keyboard activated, Christians can easily inject the truths of God’s Word into their mobile communications. The video embedded below walks through the activation process, and demonstrates how to use the Bible Keyboard functionality.

Related resources

In addition to the Bible Keyboard, you can also easily add verse images in the iMessage texting app which is built into iOS. The minimum requirement is iOS 10 for this functionality.

See All Ministry Resources