Tag Archive for: brain

310 – Are We Blockheads?

Tune in to today’s WELSTech for the next chapters of our regular book discussion (we’ll settle the blockhead debate once and for all) as well as a shiny tech giveaway announcement, a free digital magazine and much more.

The discussion:

Historic brain change – Today Martin and Sallie revisit this season’s book discussion selection, The Shallows by Nicholas Carr. In chapters 2-4 the author takes a historic look at the introduction of clocks to society as well as the shift from oral to written communication. The changes in human behavior that occurred because of these historic events support the fairly recent understanding of the malleable or plastic characteristics of God’s amazing creation, our brain, which allows it to change in response to new influences.

Ministry Resources:

(24:19) Church JuiceWays to Improve Your Church Bulletin

Listener Reviews:

(26:55) Share your review of software, hardware or web sites which assist with your personal or professional ministry efforts, and you will ll be entered to win a Nexus 7 tablet. Deadline for entry is May 31, 2014.

Tech tips:

  • (29:22) Highlights and notes on Kindle
  • Google Forms e-mail notifications

Picks of the week:

WELS.net feature:

(46:15) Forward in Christ magazine has gone digital! Try it out for free through the end of the year.

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(54:13) Episode 311 – Next week join Martin and Sallie as we tour the many features of the WELS Mobile App. (Release date – 10/15/13)

Music download:

(58:04) Beginning next week we’ll share a free song from a WELS artist for download each week.

Get involved:

306 – The Shallows

Things are changing on today’s WELSTech as we kick off our newest book discussion selection. During the school year we’ll be talking about a chapter a month of Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains. Also new this fall is a weekly tech tip from Martin and Sallie plus a renewed focus on ministry resources.

The discussion:

Book discussion kick off – It’s back to the regular WELSTech schedule this week as Martin and Sallie begin the discussion of this season’s book discussion selection, The Shallows by Nicholas Carr. Today’s discussion kicked off with a video overview of the book (6:15), and continued with a look at the prologue and chapter 1.

The author describes the change to “staccato”, internet-speed thinking, and the move away from deep comprehension. It seems that actually reading the book will be a worthy challenge to our digitized brains.

Ministry Resources:

(21:02) We’re rebooting our Ministry Resources segment and looking for WELSTech listener assistance to share many tech-in-ministry ideas. Martin promises a prize drawing next spring for those who submit comments. Let the sharing begin!

Tech tips:

  • (23:12) How to change where Chrome downloads files
  • Copy to Notepad (or your favorite text editor) to clean up text formatting

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(42:05) Even if you can’t attend this weekend’s WELSTech Camp in person, you can follow the live streaming and group collaborative notes. Find links posted on the WELSTech Camp wiki.

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(48:45) Episode 307 – Tune in for special coverage of the first ever WELSTech live event. We’ll bring you the best of the discussions and activities from WELSTech Camp 2013. (Release date – 09/17/13)

The featured artist:

(49:05) We close this week’s WELSTech with the music of Michael Schroeder (www.michaelschroeder.com and on Facebook) – A Friend of Mine

Get involved:

291 – What The Internet Is Doing To Your Brain

Today on WELSTech we tackle a potentially scary topic – your brain on the Internet! David Tess joins us to calm our fears and talk about the new wiring that is going on in today’s brains. We also have a listener book review, some vacation tech ideas, a WELS.net feature and feedback from the awesome WELSTech community!

The interview and discussion:

(3:21) How You Think – Professor David Tess from Wisconsin Lutheran College talks with Martin and Sallie about his upcoming presentation for the Wisconsin Lutheran Teachers’ Conference on the effect of the Internet on brain development. Different connections are made in the brain today because of the massive amounts of information that is being processed. And with all of the information coming into the brain, it is extremely hard to have deep thought processes on most of it.

Listener reviews:

Picks of the week:

  • (33:17) Sallie’s Summer Vacation Tech Series #3 – Staying connected from the road
  • Google Music

WELS.net feature:

(41:20) Find a church or school using the WELS Locator online or in the WELS Mobile app. It’s a good idea to verify your own church or school listing and e-mail updates or photos to [email protected].

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(51:27) Episode 292 – Summer is officially ON for WELSTech next week as we kick off our summer “Church and School Website Content” series. Listen all summer as Martin and Sallie collaborate on an e-book on the topic. First up … The Home Page. (Release date – 06/11/13)

The featured artist:

(53:12) We close the podcast with the music of Cross To Glory (www.facebook.com/crosstoglory) – One Name

Get involved: