Tag Archive for: books

700 – Celebrating 700!

For the 700th time, welcome to WELSTech, a show about technology and ministry and where those two intersect! Martin and Sallie look way back to 2008 when the show started and explore the changing landscape of tech-in-ministry which they’ve observed through the years. Church texting platforms, fancy social media posts, and AI-generated text are some of the 2023 tech-in-ministry topics discussed on this episode as well.

The discussion

A big milestone – Martin and Sallie suited up to celebrate this 700th episode of WELSTech with a look back at where and why it started, tech-in-ministry topics then and now, retro WELSTech images, and book reviews through the years. Plus, the WELSTech “ace in the hole” is revealed!

Ministry resource

Top 28 Church Texting Platforms – Comparison chart in the PDF

Picks of the week

Community news & feedback

Next time

Amanda Klemp from WELS Communication Services shares tips for great e-newsletters

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678 – Web Excellence

We’re talking web sites on this week’s WELSTech, and we’re joined by WELS Web Developer, Tim Sinclair. This episode also includes information security guidelines for congregations, book recommendations, and a recap of the recent XR Festival sponsored by Christ in Media. Geeks will be especially excited by Martin’s incremental backup pick!

The discussion

Congregation Web Development – Tim Sinclair, WELS Web Developer, talks with Martin and Sallie about best practices and resources for congregation web development.

Ministry Resource

WELS General Information Security Guidelines

Pick of the week

Community news & feedback

Sallie shares highlights from the Christ in Media XR Festival, held recently at Bethany Lutheran College

Next time on WELSTech

Pastor James Behringer, Administrator for WELS Special Ministries, shares updates on prison ministry tech

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662 – From LEGOs to Email

WELSTech is back with LEGO news and a wrap up of the book discussion of A World Without Email. Martin shares a free tool for creating diagrams and flowcharts, and the community mail bag includes the ability to ride along with a raindrop. Did we mention LEGOs?

The discussion

Every techie loves LEGOs, so it’s appropriate we offer huge WELSTech congrats to Caleb and Jacob Schilling, WELS members recently featured on Season 2 of LEGO Masters.

Protocols & Specialization – Martin and Sallie conclude the discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport with practical suggestions for improving workflow and moving away from the hyperactive hive mind way of working.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

A new season of WELSTech kicks off, loaded with all kinds of WELSTech goodness, of course! We welcome guest hosts Rachel Feld and Jason Schmidt as well as Paul Patterson from the Lutheran Schools Office who will preview the upcoming WELS Education Conference 2022. All that, and we’re adding video to the show too!

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661 – Adding Value to Information

This week on WELSTech, we resume the book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport with chapters 4 & 5, all about knowledge work processes. Martin shares his first blog post in a “Getting Into Vlogging” series, and Sallie has news about free Bible verse motion video content for church screens.

Ford assembly line, 1913 – via Wikipedia

The discussion

WELSTech is adding a blog. Subscribe today to receive updates!

Manage the Workflow – Martin and Sallie share thoughts on chapters 4 & 5 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport, which begins to explore improved options for knowledge workers to offset the hyperactive hive mind.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion concludes with a discussion of chapters 6 & 7 and the conclusion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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660 – Is Email Making Us Miserable?

The WELSTech book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport continues this week with chapters 2 & 3. Martin is excited about a new bookmark manager that ends a multi-year search for a suitable tool. And Sallie is off in space maintaining the stations.

The discussion

A Mind of Its Own – Martin and Sallie dive into chapters 2 & 3 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport, which look at the genesis of email and similar technologies and how tech can take on its own, unexpected usage and consequences.

Picks of the week

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion continues as we look at chapters 4 & 5 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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Book - A World without E-mail - welstech

659 – Are You Checking Your Email Again?

After a bit of a hiatus, WELSTech is back, and we’re kicking off a book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport. Google goodness, more reading, and tech-in-ministry practical solutions for network management and video editing round out the rest of the show.

Book - A World without E-mail - welstechThe discussion

Martin and Sallie start a new book discussion of A World Without Email by Cal Newport. Pastor Peter Hagen shared the book idea after listening to an author interview on episode 403 of the Carey Nieuwhof podcast. Today we cover the Introduction and Chapter 1, and we learn about the “Hyperactive Hive Mind.”

Picks of the week

  • Google Goodness
    • Learn to use Google’s Applied Digital Skills in your curriculum in upcoming professional development training
    • 16-Day Organize Your Google Drive YouTube playlist
    • Digital Binder for Technology
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport

Community feedback

Coming next on WELSTech

The book discussion continues as we look at chapters 2 & 3 of A World Without Email by Cal Newport.

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649 – Great City Network

This week’s WELSTech includes a look at the offerings of Great City Network and the wrap up of The Post-Quarantine Church book discussion. There’s also chat about a Lenten podcast, texting in church, online giving, and capturing parent’s attention as they search online for school options.

The interview

Outside-the-box urban ministry – Pastor Kent Reeder from Illume Church, Seattle, WA and Dan Jaspersen, curator, join us to discuss the formation and three-fold vision of Great City Network – collaborating, training, and skill sharing.

The book discussion

From challenges to opportunities – Martin and Sallie finish their discussion of The Post-Quarantine Church  by Thom Rainer.

Picks of the week

Ministry resource

Heart to heart: parent conversations series – Audio and video

WELS now

Jesus’ Passion – 40 days of Bible readings with commentary by Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Professor Stephen Geiger, available in audio podcast and video formats. Here’s a sample:

Community feedback

Next time

WELS has a new Contact Us form and perhaps your church or school needs something similar.

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646 – The Post-Quarantine Church

Happy 13th anniversary to WELSTech! Today’s show includes a new book discussion, changes to Facebook, Edge browser features which may convert you, online collaboration resources for teachers and more. Join the celebration/conversation!

The discussion

To kick off the new year of podcasting, Martin and Sallie start a new book discussion of The Post-Quarantine Church by Thom Rainer.  Today’s show covers the introduction and chapters 1 & 2. We know the pandemic will end at some point and we want the church to be ready to operate in the new normal which emerges. Read along and perhaps share and discuss in your congregations.

Picks of the week

Ministry resource + WELS now

From the Lutheran Schools Office

Community feedback

Next time

Edtech is center stage as we welcome back Prof. Rachel Feld & Jason Schmidt to the guest host chairs.

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644 – Five Below Cables

WELSTech is back with the final installment of our Atomic Habits book discussion as well as an interview about cyber security training for children. Martin and Sallie make their last picks of 2020, and we learn about captioning video calls. The beautiful Christmas concert from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary closes this last podcast before Christmas, and we send our best wishes to WELSTech listeners for a joyous celebration of our Savior’s birth.

The discussion

Make It Satisfying – Just in time to apply to the new year, Martin and Sallie finish their book discussion of Atomic Habits by James Clear with a look at the 4th law and taking your habits from good to great.

Join us in January for our next book discussion of The Post-Quarantine Church by Thom Rainer.

The interview

Security education – MLC second-career staff ministry student Mike Tracy shares his experience in cyber security training, and, in particular, his thoughts on training children about information security.

Picks of the week

Ministry resource

How to Add Closed Captions to a Video Call

Community feedback

WELS now

Creating digital side doors featuring Pastor Peter Hagen and the Raised with Jesus podcast from the December Forward in Christ magazine.

Enjoy the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Christmas concert.

Next time

2020 is drawing to a close, and that means it’s time to look back at some of our favorite WELSTech moments of the year.

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643 – Mind Candy

Tune in to this week’s WELSTech for a great discussion of the 3rd Law of Atomic Habits. Stay tuned in for a little bit of Elon, Van Gogh, virtual team building, and hymn previews plus lots more WELSTech goodness to enhance your public and personal ministry efforts!

The discussion

Reduce friction – Martin and Sallie return to the book discussion of James Clear’s Atomic Habits, this week focusing on the 3rd Law, Make It Easy (chapters 11-14).  Sallie even has a (short) chat with the author!

Picks of the week

  • 5 Quick Team Building Activities To Do Via Conference Calls
  • Macbook Air M1

Ministry resource

In the Facebook group WELS Educators During COVID-19 and Beyond, Lori Ehlke (St Paul’s, Onalaska, WI) shared an art tutorial video titled Van Gogh Nativity. Check out her YouTube channel for more – Ehlke Art.

Community feedback

WELS now

Christian Worship Hymn Preview

Next time

We wrap up our discussion of Atomic Habits (chapter 15 to the end) and chat with Mike Tracy about cyber security training for schools.

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