Tag Archive for: apps

487 – A Family Friendly Internet

Tune in to WELSTech this week for Sallie’s show and tell of a recent parent talk she led covering positive uses of the Internet for kids and families. You’ll also learn about an opportunity to host a theater showing of the new Martin Luther movie from WELS and be inspired for Lent by Martin’s ministry resource.

The discussion:

Discerning hearts – Parental (and teacher) responsibilities in the digital age are like never in history with many streams of digital media available at the fingertips of our children. Sallie shares resources from a recent presentation on Positive Uses of the Internet for Kids & Families to assist with teaching children to have discerning hearts.

News in tech:

Amazon’s massive AWS outage was caused by human error

WELS now:

Host a Screening of “A Return to Grace: Luther’s Life and Legacy”

Picks of the week:

Ministry resources:

Featured video:

The newest addition on the WELSTech Product Demos YouTube playlist is MaKey MaKey – An Invention Kit for Everyone.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 488 – In the next installment of the WELSTech Social Media for Ministry series, we look at social photo sites Flickr & Google Photos. Release date: Wednesday, March 15.

Get involved:

449 – Fur the Love of Photos

The WELSTech summer series on “mobile ministry” continues as Martin and Sallie explore photography. The cameras we carry on our smartphones can be powerful tools for ministry. Listen in for good camera apps, tips and accessories. Plus, Sallie shares some TechSmith love, and Martin has a square jellyfish for his phone.

The discussion:

Martins iPhone PhotoMobile photography – As the old saying goes, the best camera is the one you have with you. And your smartphone camera may be just the thing you need to accomplish more ministry goals than you realized.

Picks of the week:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 450 – Mobile hardware, operating systems (iOS vs. Android) and peripherals will be the topic of next week’s podcast. Release date: Wednesday, June 22

Get involved:

448 – Mobile Ministry Apps

WELSTech kicks off our first summer series on “mobile” with a show all about apps…especially those apps useful for ministry. Pastors, teachers, and anyone interested in what a smartphone can do for them will find plenty of ideas. There are also mobile-friendly picks of the week and a review of an adventure-ready Bluetooth speaker.

The discussion:

Mobile phoneThere’s an app for that – After answering the Miss America question of the day, Martin and Sallie share loads of useful apps for public and personal ministry.

Picks of the week:

Community feedback:

Pastor Emile Burgess from Trinity in Caledonia, WI shares his experience with a rugged, adventure-ready Bluetooth speaker, the ECOXGEAR EcoCarbon from REI

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 449 – The focus on mobile ministry continues with a look at all things about mobile photography. Release date: Wednesday, June 15

Get involved:

431 – Our Digital Habitats

This week’s WELSTech features a discussion of the hardware, software, browser extensions and devices which Martin and Sallie use in their day-to-day digital work. We also take a look at the newly redesigned Martin Luther College web site, discuss open source church software and feature a video from Lakeside Lutheran High School’s uber popular YouTube channel.

The discussion:

mergedc145x79Information workers – Martin and Sallie share the tech that makes them smile {big monkey grins}!




Browser & Extensions


News in tech:

Google for Education Presents – Content 2.0 Webinar

WELS now:

Ministry resources:

Open Source Church Software Roundup

Featured video:

This week we feature Lakeside Lutheran High School’s Soaring to New Heights video on the WELSTech Promo YouTube Playlist.

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 432 – Chapter 6 of With All Your Heart, the WELSTech book project, is on the docket. The focus will be volunteers, and we’ll talk with folks from the Member Ministry team at St. Paul’s Lutheran in New Ulm, MN. Release date: Wednesday, February 17

Get involved:

372 – Home Sweet Home

WELSTech goes mobile as Martin and Sallie share their smartphone home screen favorite apps. Plus there’s “Best of 2014” app selections from Google and Apple and mobile app academy resources to help teachers bring STEM to their classrooms.

The discussion:

Home Sweet Home ScreenWithin Thumbs Reach – Martin and Sallie reveal their most used smartphone apps as well as polar opposite strategies for organizing their prime real estate home screens. A few WELSTech-ers share their favorite apps as well.

Check out the master list of must-have smartphone apps on our new Mobile App Recommendations resource page!

Ministry resources:

A new series in WELS online Interactive Faith Bible Study begins Wednesday, January 7 with sessions offered at 6:00 and 8:00 pm Central weekly through February 11. Rev. David Scharf from Greenville, WI will lead the study of the book of Judges titled “Breaking the Cycle with Grace.” Learn more.

News in tech:

Best apps of 2014 from

WELS insider:

Christians Under Construction stewardship series

Need to know:

  • Registration is open for FinalWeb online training, coming up January 21-23, 2015. bit.ly/fw4d2015
  • Visit the WELSTech Conference 2015 site to sign up for conference announcements via e-mail

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 373a – Martin and Sallie celebrate Christmas around the world with a special two-part episode featuring several tech-in-global-ministry friends. (Broadcast date – 12/23/14)

Featured videos:

Enjoy another new addition to our Music playlist on YouTube – Mary, Did You Know? by Pentatonix


Get involved:

357 – Put A Bow On It

The WELSTech Wiki Migration is all wrapped up with a bow on top this week as we conclude our summer series with a look at the “School” section of the wiki. This show also includes lots of tips, picks and community feedback plus some bonus WELSTech goodness you’ll want to hang on for till the very end!

The discussion:

present145x125Finish Line – The summer WELSTEch Wiki Migration efforts draw to a close today as Martin and Sallie review the School section of the WELSTech Wiki, focusing on education apps and learning management systems. Request an account and add your favorite edtech resources.

Tech tips:

Picks of the week:

  • Remind – Bulk text messaging for educators (and others)
  • Chrome 64 Bit for Mac (beta) and Windows

Of interest:

Did you know … Presenters at WELSTech Conference 2015 (wels.net/welstechconf), July 9-11, 2015 at Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center in Pewaukee, WI attend for FREE?!! We’re currently looking for presenters and tech topics of interest for our breakout sessions. Give it some thought and submit your ideas!

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 358 – WELSTech gets back to normal as we kick off our newest season and introduce a new book selection, What’s Best Next? by Matt Perman. (Broadcast date – 09/09/14)

Bonus WELSTech Goodness:

  • Pastors are invited to complete our Pastor’s Tech survey and be entered to win a copy of HymnSoft 3.0 Player courtesy of Northwestern Publishing House
  • Join the latest installment of Interactive Faith Bible Study starting September 3 at 6:00 and 8:00 pm Central

Featured video:

The WELS Artist YouTube playlist has a new entry, Jason Jaspersen’s sand art drawing of Jonah


Get involved:

331 – Building A Mobile App

The world is going mobile and Martin shares “how-to” ideas for becoming a mobile app developer. Sallie may be enjoying warmer climates this week, but she gets her 2 cents in the tips, picks and feedback conversation. As a matter of fact, Sallie’s pick of the week may be so anti-tech that it jeopardizes her co-hosting seat!

The discussion:

DIY Mobile – Martin is just back from the BrainStorm K20 Technology Conference and shares tips and tools from his “Build A Mobile Web App in 2 Hours” presentation.

Tech tips:

  • 3-2-1 Backup Strategy
  • When in doubt … read the Help

Picks of the week:

WELS.net feature:

Subscribe for e-mail delivery of WELS’ latest devotions, news and more – wels.net/subscribe

Of interest:

Registration is officially open for summer FinalWeb training with Martin and Sallie at the Center for Mission and Ministry, July 29 – August 1. Learn more and sign up at bit.ly/fwtraininginfo.

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

Episode 332 – Martin and Sallie wrap up the discussion of the current WELSTech book selection, The Shallows by Nicolas Carr. Tune in for chapters 9 & 10. (Broadcast date – 03/11/14)

Music download:

This week only, download a free music single from a Japanese WELS artist, Kaori Egawa – Call Out To Jesus

Get involved:

320 – Getting Mobile With Ministry

As 2013 winds down, Martin and Sallie share the last regular WELSTech episode of the year with a focus on in-your-pocket mobile technology which reaches all corners of the world and which can be used for personal spiritual growth and to enhance gospel outreach efforts locally and around the world.

The interview:

(3:42) Worldwide mobile outreach – Pastor Tom Kuster, Director of the Christ in Media Institute (CIMI) at Bethany Lutheran College, talks with Martin and Sallie about their current Christian Smart-Phone Project for world mission mobile outreach.

The discussion:

(20:14) Favorite mobile apps – It’s show-and-tell time as Martin and Sallie share some of their favorite mobile apps, with a focus on those that enhance personal and public ministry efforts. We’d love to hear from you about any of your favorite apps which we failed to mention!





Other Favs


Tech tips:

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(52:50) Tune in for the streamed Christmas concert, Emmanuel Lux by Koine – December 19 at 7:00 pm via WELS Streams

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(1:06:25) Episode 321 – Join Martin and Sallie for the WELSTech Christmas Eve special interview with Bill Ziche, President of Northwestern Publishing House. (Release date – 12/24/13)

Music download:

(1:07:20) This week enjoy a free Christmas music download from WELS artist Kevin Loersch, arranged by Linda Moeller  – O Come, Little Children

Get involved:

265 – 7 Best Mobile Tips

On this final WELSTech 7 Best countdown of 2012 we share Mobile Device (a.k.a. tablets & smartphones) Computing Tips covering productivity, security, and much more. Also on the podcast, there’s news from Google, a couple of live streamed Christmas concert opportunities and even a Pinterest-worthy infographic.

The discussion:

Make the most of your mobile device – Martin and Sallie countdown the best tips, accessories and apps for tablets and smartphones.

  1. Accessories
  1. Security
  1. Maps
  1. Productivity
  1. Note Taking
  1. Cloud Services for File Syncing
  1. Bible Apps

But we aren’t done with 7 Best list yet. Join us on January 1st for our 7 Best Picks of 2012!

News in tech:

(29:50) Gmail, meet Google Drive … and behold 10GB file transfers

Picks of the week:

Of interest:

(38:30) View the live stream of

  • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary’s “Sing a Song of Christmas” concert on December 9th at 3:00 or 7:00 p.m.
  • Martin Luther College’s Christmas Concert on MLC TV on December 8th at 7:30 p.m. and December 9th at 4:00 p.m.

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(58:05) Episode 266 – We continue the current WELSTech book discussion of Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds, this time looking at Chapter 4, Crafting the Story. (Release date – 12/11/12)

The featured artist:

(59:25) We close the podcast with the music of a new Japanese addition to our WELS artist lineup, Kaori Egawa – Angels’ Christmas Carol

Get involved:

264 – iPads in Education

This week’s classroom technology WELSTech Podcast is all about iPads. Gail Potratz shares her insights, we interview Jon Beilke and Nate Hochmuth from Salem in Greenfield, MN about their very recent implementation of iPads, and we even have iPad “Picks of the Week.”

The discussion:

The other side – On past education focused podcasts, we’ve spent a lot of time talking about Chromebooks in the classroom. Today Martin, Sallie and our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent Gail Potratz from Emanuel in New London, WI explore the ins and outs of 1:1 iPads in the classroom. Gail also shares some of the experiences of Kathy Brandt who uses iPads in her 3rd and 4th grade classroom at Pilgrim in Menomonee Falls, WI.

The interview:

(18:26) iPads in WELS Education – Teacher Nate Hochmuth and Principal Jon Beilke from Salem in Greenfield, MN share their very new experience of 1:1 iPads in the 7th and 8th grade classroom.

Picks of the week:

WELS.net Feature:

(50:15) Check out the improved WELS Mobile beta site at m.wels.net.

Of interest:

(53:25) View the live stream of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary’s “Sing a Song of Christmas” concert on December 9th at 3:00 or 7:00 p.m..

Community feedback:

Coming up on WELSTech:

(1:06:00) Episode 265 – Next week we wrap up our 7 Best series with a countdown of the 7 Best Mobile Computing Tips. Send us your favorites for the list by Sunday.  (Release date – 12/04/12)

The featured artist:

(1:07:15) We  close the podcast with the music of Michael Schroeder (www.michaelschroeder.com and on Facebook) – The Reason For The Season

Get involved: