212 – Schoology
It’s education technology week on the WELSTech Podcast as Martin and Sallie welcome back Gail Potratz and discussion Schoology.
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The discussion:
Classroom Meets Facebook – Gail Potratz, Technology Director at Emanuel in New London, WI, joins Martin and Sallie for a discussion of Schoology, the web-based course management system that looks and feels a lot like Facebook but has classroom specific privacy with student, teacher and parent access.
- The other course management system contenders
- Visit the WELSTech demo course by logging into Schoology
- As a student …
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Password: welstech
- As a parent …
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Password: welstech
- As a student …
The interview:
(14:53) The Voice of Experience – Gail talks with Beth Sanders (MsSandersTHS on Twitter) from Birmingham, AL about her use of Schoology in her 1:1 Social Studies high school classrooms.
- Schoology Parent View
- Schoology How-to (ish)
- This is not a Telling Classroom, This is a Partnership
- Jason Schmidt’s Schoology blog
News in tech:
(42:10) Black Friday & Cyber Monday
Picks of the week:
- (43:49) Slide Shark for iPad
- Magisto
- GTD Wallets (His | Hers)
WELS.net feature:
(51:33) Streams Seasonal Radio
Of interest:
(52:50) Mark your calendars for streaming Christmas concerts
- Martin Luther College – December 3 @ 7:00 p.m. and December 4 @ 4:00 p.m.
- Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary – December 11 @ 3:00 p.m.
Community feedback:
- (53:35) Adam Pringle was looking for a way to auto download WELS podcasts in iTunes. Check out the auto download instructions and enjoy the WELS podcasts, including …
- Gail tweeted a link to ScreenChomp for iPad by TechSmith.
Coming up on WELSTech:
(57:04) Episode 213 – Jason Jaspersen shares his web site dedicated to liturgical art resources, and Martin and Sallie revisit the weekly blogging challenge. (Release date – 12/07/11)
The featured artist:
(58:14) We close the podcast with the music of Revelation, a music ministry of Wisconsin Lutheran College (www.revelationwlc.com) – A Voice Cries Out from the CD titled “Led By The Light”
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Great episode! I have been using Schoology at Petra for our 7th and 8th grade catechism classes this year, and I have been following Beth Sanders on the Schoology blog feed. At Petra we have no more than two students at the same public or private school out of 9 total students. Schoology gives me the opportunity to combine them into one class with combined discussions between public and LES students. I did a little research and all nine of my students have high speed internet access at home, which I believe is necessary before we could make use of it here for Catechism. It also extends teaching time into the week after class which is great for Catechism.
Thanks Sallie, Gail and Martin. Enjoyed this week’s show and makes me even more excited for a future teaching position in one of our WELS schools. I believe one or two teachers at NELHS were using Schoology, but I did not witness its use in my teaching experience during my 5 weeks there.