056 – Get SMART

This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie are joined by Gail Potratz for a discussion on SMARTBoards in the classroom.  Gail interviews Linda Kasten, a SMARTBoard-enabled teacher.

The discussion and interview:

  • Linda KastenSMARTBoards in the Classroom – As more schools integrate interactive whiteboards into their classrooms, Martin, Sallie and our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, Gail Potratz, discuss resources for making the most of your SMARTBoard.  Gail interviews Linda Kasten (8:35), a first grade teacher from St. Paul’s in Muskego, WI and 6-year veteran SMARTBoard user about the impact SMARTBoards have had on her students.

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (32:50)
  • Of interest (41:00)
    • Seminary Mission and Ministry 2009
      • This years theme:  “Go and Make Disciples: At Home, Abroad, For Life”
      • February 3-5
      • Details and registration information at www.wls.wels.net
  • Community feedback (41:48)
    • New wiki member “dessmith” tried out the WELSTech Wiki Sandbox.  You can too!
    • Alyssa Dunning from WELS Web Services recommended www.usend.io for sharing large files easily.
    • Julie Duran, WELS Webmaster, sent us a link to a page of web technology resources for churches from Squidoo.
    • John Shoosmith of Redeemer in Yakima, WA shared a link to a new closed-captioned sermon from Cross and Crown in Georgetown, TX.
  • Coming up on WELSTech (45:55)
    • Episode 057 – The discussion of Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody continues with Chapter 3, “Everyone is a Media Outlet”

The featured artist:

  • This week we close with the music of In His Service featuring WELS musicians Dr. Patricia Backhaus and Valerie Floeter (www.adagioconcepts.com) – I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say from their CD titled In His Time (48:03)

Get involved:

055 – Reaching Out with CC

This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie talk with John Shoosmith about the technology behind producing closed-captioned sermons and the outreach opportunities they provide.

The discussion:

  • Tips for Productive Writing – Martin shares an article he used in his Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Winterim productivity course, particularly focusing on tips that may assist with sermon writing.

The interview:

  • John ShoosmithClosed-Captioning (11:11) – Martin and Sallie talk with John Shoosmith, lay member from our WELS congregation, Redeemer, in Yakima, WA and a frequent WELSTech contributor.  John is somewhat of a pioneer in terms of using technology to reach out via the Web with gospel ministry resources for the deaf and hard of hearing.  Listen as John explains how he got started in the world of closed-captioning and the popularity Redeemer’s closed-captioned sermon videos have attained on the web.
    • Learn more about closed-captioning on the WELSTech wiki
    • Check out WELSTech Episode 029 for more ideas on ministering to those with disabilities
    • Watch Redeemer’s latest closed caption video

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (34:13)
  • WELS.net feature (38:38)
    • Together newsletter – together.wels.net
  • Community feedback (39:54)
    • David Savatski from WELS World Missions Promotionsasked about recording Skype conversations and Martin shares the process we use for recording the WELSTech podcast.
    • Cindy Krueger from Shepherd of the Hillsin Lansing MI shared some information about a Mac version TechSmith’s Camtasia Studio in development
    • Brian Kom wondered if Martin’s Productivity presentations (Episode 054) were available in PowerPoint format to share with his church council
    • Alyssa Dunning from WELS Web Services shared two impressive Web 2.0 applications
    • Brent Nemmers from Atonement in Plano, TX shared a link to oCulture.com online language training resources.
    • John Shoosmith of Redeemerin Yakima, WA asked about nailing down statistics on podcasts.
  • Coming up on WELSTech (51.18)
    • Episode 056 – Gail Potratz, our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, joins us for a day of discussing all things SMARTBoard

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS artist, Kevin Loersch – Mary Did You Know from his CD titled O Holy Night (52:11)

Get involved:

054 – The Art of Productivity

This week on WELSTech Martin shares some productivity tips from his WLS Winterim session and Sallie talks with Missionary Mike Hartman and his wife Rachel about their use of technology in the Mexico mission field.

Christmas 2010 Scavenger Hunt:

Clue #5


Remember, you can use your smartphone or an online decoder to decipher the message. This is the final clue so you can enter the contest by supplying the mystery message!  Additional contest details available here. Have fun!

The discussion:

  • Mind Like Water: The Art of Productivity – This week Martin is teaching a productivity course as part of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Winterim schedule.  He recaps some of the information they are learning, and we hear from students in the class about why a productivity system is important.

The interview:

  • The HartmansTechnology in the mission field (18:36) –  Missionary Mike Hartman and his wife Rachel talk with Sallie about the mission work being done in Torreon, Mexico.  Rachel shares information about her Lutherans in Mexico blog and how she uses it to spread the news about the mission work with the world.
    • www.lutheransinmexico.com
    • missions.wels.net

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (28:18)
  • Of interest (35:42)
    • WELS marriage retreats – www.welsmarriageretreat.org
  • Community feedback (36:25)
    • Dan Smith of Holy Trinity in Des Moines, WA is using Google Calendar for his school but the print version isn’t formatted well for their newsletter.  Check out Sallie’s Picks of the Week in Episodes 026 & 027 for a solution.
    • John Shoosmith of Redeemer in Yakima, WA requested we share guidelines for NIV copyright on the WELSTech wiki, and we are happy to do so – “Copyright Guidelines for the NIV Bible”.
    • Linda Travis would like to display RSS feeds on her church web site.  Learn more at www.wels.net/jump/rss.
    • In response to a question from the webmaster at Good Shepherd in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Martin shares more details about the synod’s multi-camera set up, including some hardware and software recommendations for running multiple cameras.
    • By popular demand, we’ve added a page to the WELSTech wiki with tips for “Getting Started” building a church or school web site.
  • Coming up on WELSTech (43:47)
    • Episode 055 – We talk with John Shoosmith, a WELS member in Yakima, WA, about the process of creating closed-caption sermon videos for the deaf and hard of hearing

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS artist, WendySue Fluegge (www.wendysue.com) – The Instrument from her CD with the same title, The Instrument (45:18)

Get involved:

053 – Happy Anniversary

This week on WELSTech Martin and Sallie look back at the first year of the WELSTech podcast and look forward to podcasting in 2009.

The discussion:

  • One Year of WELSTechCelebrating one year of WELSTech – Take a trip down memory lane as Martin and Sallie listen to clips from the first ever WELSTech podcast and discuss the goals and expectations which they had for the podcast a year ago, how well they’ve met those goals, and where they hope to see the podcast lead in 2009.
    • Let’s make 2009 a year of collaboration!
      • Join the WELSTech facebook group
      • Contribute to the WELSTech wiki
      • Check out the “Get involved” links below for lots more ways to participate

The tidbits:

  • Picks of the week (24:20)
  • WELS.net feature (32:17)
    • Read through your Bible in 3 years – Pick your flavor!
      • Text-based (e-mail and RSS delivery available) – www.wels.net/jump/bible3
      • Audio-based (listen on your computer or MP3 player) – www.wels.net/jump/bible3podcast
  • Community feedback (34:38)
    • John Shoosmith from Redeemer in Yakima, WA is looking for copyright details for posting segments of the NIV Bible on his church web site.
  • Coming up on WELSTech (40:30)
    • Episode 054 – Martin shares highlights from his Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Winterim session, “Mind Like Water: The Art of Productivity”

The featured artist:

  • We close with music of WELS contemporary praise band, Koine (www.koinemusic.com) – Jesus Priceless Treasure from their CD titled Koine II (43:00)

Get involved: