Episode 030 – Jul 30 2008
Our semi-regular classroom technology correspondent, Gail Potratz, is back with Martin and Sallie to continue the discussion of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. This week we focus on wiki and blog tools for education enhancement.
Podcast: Download (20.1MB)
The discussion:
Wikis and Blogs in the Classroom – Gail Potratz, Technology Coordinator at Emanual in New London, WI, joins Martin and Sallie to share her experience and ideas for bringing Web 2.0 tools into the classroom. As we continue our discussion of this topic with Gail (previous installments during Episode 021 and Episode 025), we zero in on uses for wiki and blog tools, both for teachers and for students.
- Wikis
- Gail’s sample Wikispaces.com page
- Sample 8th grade History wiki
- Create your own wiki
- Wikispaces.com
- PBwiki.com
- Blogs
- Video of a 1st grade teacher’s blog usage in the classroom
- Video of a paperless high school classroom
- Create your own blog
- Wikis
The tidbits:
- Picks of the week (25:40)
- Create an avatar – www.voki.com
- Sample Voki avatars used for a Spanish assignment – Link 1 | Link 2
- Wacky Wonderful Web sites (WWWs) – www.stjohnsse.com/wwws
- Manage multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse using Synergy
- Create an avatar – www.voki.com
- WELS.net feature (37:29)
- Monthly prayer calendar – www.wels.net/jump/prayer-calendar
- August 2008 prayer calendar (PDF)
- Monthly prayer calendar – www.wels.net/jump/prayer-calendar
- Of interest (39:30)
- Planning is under way for WELS International Youth Rally 2009
- www.welsyouthrally.net
- Iowa State University – Ames, IA – July 8-11, 2009
- Rally Commercial Contest
- WELS Got Talent Contest
- Subscribe to rally updates
- Planning is under way for WELS International Youth Rally 2009
- Community feedback (42:11)
- David Scharrer of Hemlock, MI shared an idea for involving youth in loading MP3 players for shuts-ins to listen to Streams devotional podcasts
- Cindy Krueger, member of Shepherd of the Hills in Lansing, MI, shared links to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) online training from EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information) easi.cc and an ADA training listserve
- Julie Duran, WELS.net webmaster, shared a link to a Lynx browser add-on that will allow users to view text versions of their links and check for accessibility
The featured artist:
- We close with music of WELS musician, Mike Westendorf (www.mikewestendorf.com) – Look Out from his CD titled Climb the Mountain (46:20)
Get involved:
- Add a comment below
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Voice mail: 414-375-2334
- del.icio.us tag: welstech
- Join:
- WELSTech listserve
- WELSTech on facebook
Hi there, thanks very much for the links to the projects my Spanish students and I recorded using Voki.
I was listening to your podcast with great interest when I noticed that it must have been me who your interlocutor was referring to as “a lady”.
I loved the podcast but I must protest my masculinity! ;)
A very manly (deep voice and all)